Industry and Community Track

Details for call for papers for OpenSym 2015, Aug 19-21, 2015, in San Francisco, California.


Defined as “collaboration that is egalitarian (everyone can join, no principled or artificial barriers to participation exist), meritocratic (decisions and status are merit-based rather than imposed) and self-organizing (processes adapt to people rather than people adapt to pre-defined processes)“, we are seeking industry and community contributions that best exemplify this definition of open collaboration.

Industry and ommunity contributions can stem from and address the different open collaboration domains such as:

  • Free, libre, and open source software projects and practice
  • Open access projects and practice
  • Open data projects and practice
  • Open educational resources projects and practice
  • IT-driven open innovation projects and practice
  • Wikipedia and related Wikimedia foundation projects and practice
  • Wikis and other open collaboration projects and practice

Types of Industry and Community Track Submissions

The following types of papers can be submitted to the industry and community track:

Submissions are reviewed by the community track committee for their interest to the OpenSym community in general. For questions about community track submissions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us (see track chairs below).


The main paper submission deadline is April 19th, 2015.

For submission instructions, please see the main call for papers.

A second paper submission deadline is May 31st, 2015, providing access to a limited set of remaining presentation slots.

Industry and Community Track Chairs

  • Simon Dückert, Cogneon
  • Dirk Riehle, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg