Wikis and Open Collaboration Research Track

Details for call for papers for OpenSym 2015, Aug 19-21, 2015, in San Francisco, California.


The research track is looking for submissions on, but is not limited to, the following topics:

  • Novel open collaboration technologies ranging from entirely new socio-technical systems to MediaWiki extensions
  • Geowikis (e.g., OpenStreetMap)
  • Wikis in corporations, non-profits, and other organizations
  • Wikimedia Foundation projects other than Wikipedia (we hope to receive a number of submissions on collaboration in Wikidata in particular)
  • Research that uses Wikipedia data but whose research questions are targeted at wikis or open collaboration technologies in general
  • Open collaboration in a multilingual context
  • Collaboratively-built online encyclopedias other than Wikipedia (e.g., Baidu Baike, Conservapedia, Ecured)
  • Online collaboration using social media technologies (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest)
  • The “cold start” problem for new online collaboration communities
  • Open collaboration in the arts
  • Collaborative learning environments
  • Theoretical work on open collaboration
  • Digital divides and open collaboration technologies

For more examples, please see the submissions accepted in this track from the OpenSym 2014 proceedings.


The research paper submission deadline is April 13th, 2015 AoE (March 29th, 2015).

Submitters will be notified on or before May 25th, 2015.

For submission instructions, please see the main call for papers.


Research Track Chairs

Research Track Members