WikiSym 2007
2007 International Symposium on Wikis
Wikis at Work in the World:
Open, Organic, Participatory Media for the 21st Century
October 21-23, 2007
Palais des Congrès de Montréal
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Thank you for making WikiSym 2007 a grand success!
Although the event is over, you can still contribute through the wiki site for the confererence at: http://ws2007.wikisym.org/space/start/.
No Ordinary Conference
WikiSym is the only international scientific conference dedicated to wikis. It brings together wiki researchers, practitioners, and users. The goal of the symposium is to explore and extend our growing community. It has a rigorously reviewed research paper track as well as plenty of space for practitioner reports, demonstrations, and open discussions. Anyone who is involved in using, researching, or developing wikis was invited to WikiSym 2007.
We recognize that the online world is always evolving, and therefore made a special effort to welcome people interested in other online media consistent with the wiki philosophy of being open, organic and participatory.
Program Highlights
Our headline speakers for 2007 included many of the thought leaders on wiki. Our keynote speaker was Jonathan Grudin (Microsoft Research), one of the world's leading researcher on Computer Supported Collaborative Work. Ward Cunningham (AboutUs), inventor of wiki and founding father of our field, gave the closing talk. Peter Thoeny (TWIKI.NET), creator of TWiki, gave a half day tutorial on wikis in the workplace.
Our program also included two headline speakers from ooPSLA, our host conference. Jim Purbrick and Mark Lentczner, creators of Second Life, talked about this collaboratively built 3D virtual world. Peter Turchi, award-winning author of "Maps of the Imagination", talked about the relationships between creative writing, making maps, and creativity.
That's just a sampling of what made WikiSym 2007 an event of choice for wiki researchers.
We are proud of the success of this event and hope that you will consider attending future WikiSyms.
Alain Désilets (National Research Council of Canada) WikiSym 2007 Conference Chair &
Robert Biddle (Carleton University) WikiSym 2007 Program Chair
Conference Details
Co-located Events
ooPSLA 2007 (http://oopsla.org/)
DLS 2007 (http://www.swa.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/dls07/)
ISMM 2007 (http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~greg/ismm07/)
LCSD 2007 (http://lcsd.cs.tamu.edu/2007/)
APL 2007 (http://www.sigapl.org/apl2007.html)
Mini PloP (http://refactory.com/OOPSLA_Workshop.html)
CompFrame 2007 (http://www.compframe.org/compframe2007/)
Contact Us
If you have any questions, please contact Alain Désilets through chair@wikisym.org.