Integration Wikis? Application Wikis? Semantic Wikis?

Martin Cleaver. Blended Perspectives, Toronto Canada

What makes your wiki technology special? Do you build encyclopedias or applications?

While wikis are best known as a means to co-create knowledge, our industry is heating up and progress is being made in all sorts of technically interesting areas. If your organization is interested in cutting-edge wiki functionality, you’ll likely want to come to WikiSym.


Wikis primary involve humans adding and pushing content around. Knowledge becomes profound when the most universally useful ideas are presented first. Do you have tools that surface content that relate to the roots of knowledge? Perhaps you have or have dreamt of innovations at the editing layer to shuffle content between pages?


Many wiki technologies have integration functionality to allow system data to be displayed alongside conversation. This can come from legacy or 3rd party systems, with wikis providing the social context in which to discuss that data. The trick here is preserving the alignment between what the integration returns and what the discussion is saying about the external content. What works and/or what frustrates you?


A wiki-based mashup is where functionality is embedded into the text of pages. Wikis first help in that they allow users to talk about the processes they use and how much demand there is for automation in processes. Without this companies can have a hard time determining demand for automation.

Application functionality then creates a place on the intranet to situate software code to support these processes.


Increasing the usefulness of text means increasing its meaning. Semantic wikis provide tools to help structure information for rapid and accurate searching and linking, and for systems to process human-generated content.

If you are into Search, Integration, Mashups and Semantics you’ll surely be interested in WikiSym again this year. Come meet other customers and vendors and get context about the wiki paradigm.

Beyond Integration, Applications and Semantics, what categories are hot for you?


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