Paper Notification Deadline and Late Submissions

We pushed back the paper submission deadline in March/April by a week and hence we will be taking a week longer with the paper decisions.

Please expect the notification email on or around May 29th now.

On a related note, we are still receiving late submissions for posters, demos, etc.

WikiSym’s open community nature will allow you to present demos and posters in open space.

Submissions that were put in by the deadline and that have been accepted will be made available (and archived) in the ACM Digital Library as part of the WikiSym conference proceedings series. If all you care about is showing your work, by all means, please come by and don’t worry about submission deadlines! (If you have special requirements, please contact the (general chair, though.)


5 responses to “Paper Notification Deadline and Late Submissions”

  1. Laurent Alquier Avatar
    Laurent Alquier

    Are confirmation emails supposed to be sent to accepted papers only ?

  2. Dirk Riehle Avatar

    Laurent: Everyone will be notified. Sorry for the late response. –Dirk

  3. Hans Avatar

    The 2008 papers have not been published in the ACM DL.

  4. Dirk Riehle Avatar

    Hi Hans: That’s correct, and it is somewhat embarrassing that we are still working on it. However, they will be out soon. Trust me on this, we get so many requests, we won’t let this slide further. –Dirk

  5. Dirk Riehle Avatar

    They have been submitted. They should show up any time now. Also the 2009 proceedings were submitted a while ago. Should be in there now too. I checked this morning and they weren’t but that’s an ACM issue and it may just take them a few more days.

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