WikiSym 2011 at MSR Silicon Valley

Hello all!

We are very pleased to share with you some exciting details about the next WikiSym.

Image from Wikimedia Commons

WikiSym 2011 will take place at Microsoft Research Silicon Valley, (Mountain View, CA), on October 3-5, 2011. Microsoft itself has become our first premium sponsor for the next year.

WikiSym annually brings together  researchers, companies, entrepeneurs and practitioners working on open collaboration. We believe this balance between academia and industry is a powerful way to foster innovation and confront the exciting challenges in this field.

(c) Microsoft 2010

Open collaboration and its associated technologies have had a significant impact on our society at large: OER, social media, mass-media, business strategies, entertainment, personal and professional relationships, etc. For this reason, we are committed to gathering support from different sponsors, reflecting the growing interest on these topics from distinct angles. We intend to host interesting sessions for our industry audience that will also involve scholars and students.

Likewise, we plan to once again host a high quality academic program. We call for contributions covering  many different perspectives of open collaboration. The first Call for Papers will be circulated soon. All submissions will undergo a rigorous reviewing process led by our PC Chair Andrea Forte (Drexel University, Philadelphia). Accepted works will be presented at the conference and published in the ACM Digital Library, thanks to our agreement with ACM SIGWEB.

The deadline for full papers, panels and workshops is April 1, 2011. Submission due for posters and demos is May 13, 2011. The deadline for Doctoral Symposium submissions will be announced later on. Plan your submissions in advance!

We will publish further news and details very soon.

Stay tuned!

Felipe Ortega.
WikiSym 2011 General Chair.


2 responses to “WikiSym 2011 at MSR Silicon Valley”

  1. Brandon CS Sanders Avatar

    What’s the url for the wiki? Also, who’s in for a WikiVanning down from Seattle/Portland and back?

  2. Felipe Avatar

    Thanks for you question, Brandon. The 2011 wiki website is on the way, it will be ready very soon and we’ll link to it from this home page as soon as it is up and running.

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