Songrium: A Music Browsing Assistance Service Based on Visualization of Massive Open Collaboration Within Music Content Creation Community

This presentation is part of the WikiSym + OpenSym 2013 program.

Masahiro Hamasaki, Masataka Goto

This paper describes a music browsing assistance service, Songrium (, that helps a user enjoy songs while seeing visualization of open collaboration. Songrium focuses on open collaboration for music content creation on the most popular Japanese video-sharing service. Since this open collaboration generates more than half a million video clips with a rich variety of music content, we call it massive open collaboration. To develop a shared understanding of this collaboration we have analyzed, we developed Songrium that visualizes relations among both original songs and derivative works generated from the collaboration. Songrium also features a social annotation framework to verbalize and share various relations among songs, and a flexible ranking mechanism to find interesting songs. After we launched Songrium in August 2012, more than 7,000 users have used our service in which over 94,000 songs and 590,000 derivative works have automatically been registered. We hope Songrium will not only encourage creators to create more derivative works, but also attract consumers to participate in the collaboration as creators.

A PDF file will be made available on August 5, 2013, through the WikiSym + OpenSym 2013 conference proceedings.


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