R-Tools: Mediawiki extension for full-scale statistical computing

This presentation is part of the WikiSym + OpenSym 2013 program.

Juha Villman; Einari Happonen

Wikisystems are proven to be good for producing text and knowledge in collaborative manner but they are not designed to handle large amounts of numerical data. We needed a system that is capable for producing text and run calculations from datasets. For this purpose we created Opasnet which is a Mediawiki with integrated statistical computing extension and an external database for data. In our demonstration we will show how R (statistical software) can be integrated into Mediawiki as an extension (R-Tools) and how it can be used directly from wiki pages. This extension enables users to write R-code, run it and see the results of the calculation on the wiki page. R-tools can use data from external databases and this functionality is also demonstrated. First R-Tools demonstration was held at Wikisym 2012 in Linz. Now we will focus on its new features developed within this year.

A PDF file will be made available on August 5, 2013, through the WikiSym + OpenSym 2013 conference proceedings.


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