Title: Collaborative Systems with Applications for Social Good
Authors: Rakshit Agrawal (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Abstract: Crowdsourcing and collaborative systems have become an important part of Computer Science system deployments. The research discussed in this paper designs and explores the use of collaborative systems for crowdsourced user participation in different kinds of tasks. Application focus of projects discussed here is mostly towards social good. This paper provides an overview of my research objectives and approach, and identifies my work on both usability of systems as well as data specific definitions for them. Acknowledging the importance of user participation in development projects, I work on structuring systems in a way that they can extract best response from participants and help in the overall goal. The paper also describes my objectives to study user behavior based on their participation in various collaborative systems.
This contribution to OpenSym 2015 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2015 proceedings (or companion) on or after August 19, 2015.
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