Luis Falcón Martín of GNU Solidario, will be presenting the following keynote at OpenSym 2016:
Title: GNU Health: A Free/Libre Community-based Health Information System
Abstract: GNU Health is community-based, Free/Libre Health and Hospital Information System, deployed in many countries around the globe. It merges Social Medicine with state of the art advances in bioinformatics, providing a framework for integrative medicine, governments and Public Health institutions as well as research organizations. In this presentation we will talk about case studies in Public health, integration with other Free Software community projects such as OpenStreetMaps, and the upcoming GNU Health Federation model to interconnect large, heterogeneous health networks. We will present some of the upcoming features on GNU Health, including topics on interoperability and standards (HL7 FHIR) or MyGnuHealth, a mobile application for Personal Health. Finally, we will dedicate a section to the GNU Health functionality on bioinformatics, personalized medicine, clinical genetics, big data, and cooperation with the academia, research institutions and multi-lateral organizations.
Speaker’s Biography: Luis Falcón, M.D., B.Sc, holds a degree in Computer Science and Mathematics from the California State University, Northridge (USA) and in Medicine from IUCS, Buenos Aires (Argentina). Luis is a social, animal rights and Free Software activist. He is the founder of GNU Solidario, a nonprofit organization that delivers Health and Education with Free Software. Luis is the author of GNU Health (, the award-winning Free/Libre Health and Hospital Information System. He is a guest speaker at national and international conferences about Free Software, eHealth and Social Medicine. He currently lives in the Canary Islands.
This contribution to OpenSym 2016 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2016 proceedings on or after August 17, 2016.
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