For whom is this?
- You are working towards a PhD in one of OpenSym’s topic areas: free/libre/open source software, open data, IT-driven open innovation, open collaboration, or wikis;
- you have been working on this for at least a few months; you have at least a (perhaps preliminary) research question and some ideas on methods and feasibility;
- you will have to work on this for at least another few months; there is still some flexibility in the outcome.
What is this?
The doctoral symposium is an opportunity to get feedback on your ideas and/or work-so-far from experts and doctoral candidates within and outside your own discipline.
How does it work?
- You write a short exposé on your work as described on the submission types page.
- You submit it (as PDF) to Easychair on or before 2018-04-15, AoE.
- You will be notified of acceptance or rejection on 2016-05-27
(we do not expect the doctoral symposium to be very selective; we expect to reject primarily submissions that are off-topic or have too little content to allow helpful discussion). - If accepted, you should submit a final version of your submission until 2016-06-03, again via Easychair.
- If accepted, you come and present your topic and work
(details on this will follow; do not forget that we are not topic specialists, so make sure you explain such that an interdisciplinary audience can follow). - We all discuss your topic and work.
- You leave with plenty of good new ideas how to improve your work.
When and where?
The symposium takes place on Tuesday, August 21, 2018 (that is, the day before OpenSym proper will begin) at
Télécom Paris,
The format of each slot is: 20 minutes presentation, 20 minutes discussion of this topic (including specific methods), 20 minutes discussion beyond this topic (including methods in general).
A projector (VGA) will be available. Please bring your own laptop.
Doctoral symposium program committee
To be announced
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