SMW Based VRE for Addressing Multi-Layered Data Analysis:The Use Case of Classroom Interaction Interpretation

Title: SMW Based VRE for Addressing Multi-Layered Data Analysis:The Use Case of Classroom Interaction Interpretation

Authors: Cornelia Veja:German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF);
Kendra Sticht:University of Munster; Christoph Schindler:German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF); Helge Kminek:Goethe University Frankfurt

Abstract: Virtual research environments (VREs) based on Semantic MediaWiki (SMW) provide researchers with more effective means of collaborative knowledge creation. The main challenge is capturing the multi-layered and iterative research process by participatory and evolutionary design using an agile framework development. The paper focuses on the development of a VRE to enhance scholarly research practices with the specific goal to enable dialogic transcript data analysis in Social Sciences and Humanities, using digital and semantic technologies. To offer a user-friendly framework with a low technological barrier, the authors used existing SMW extensions and developed a novel extension for multi-layered dialogic analysis by adopting the researcher’s theoretical model of Objective Hermeneutic. As use case of addressing dialogic qualitative data analysis, the paper presents the VRE for classroom interaction which is based on two ontological models, the Objective Hermeneutic core ontology and the classroom interaction ontology, as a result of authors’ work.

Download: This contribution is part of the OpenSym 2017 proceedings and is available as a PDF file.


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