Title: Current and alternate approaches to personalization in online learning
Authors: Debora Jeske:University College Cork; Mammed Bagher:Edinburgh Napier University; Nadia Pantidi:University College Cork
Abstract: In the context of distance (online) learning programs, the current paper focuses on two specific goals. First, we outline how personalization based on learning analytics has been implemented in online programs offered by traditional universities, but also providers of MOOCs and virtual institutions. However, this established approach is not without its limitations. Second, we introduce two alternate concepts that may support personalization based on work around readability indices and job crafting. These approaches may also help to address some of the limitations of learning analytics. The emphasis is on how personalization may support the development of individual learning paths that would provide means for both self-pacing and co-construction of the experience. The paper concludes with a review of facilitating and challenging factors for program leaders, online technical staff and designers working in open educational contexts.
Download: This contribution is part of the OpenSym 2017 proceedings and is available as a PDF file.
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