Individual Work Behavior in Online labor markets: Temporality and Job Satisfaction

Title: Individual Work Behavior in Online labor markets: Temporality and Job Satisfaction

Author: Azka Umair:National University of Ireland Galway

Abstract: The digitalization of labor markets has created new patterns of work. One such example is the rise of powerful intermediaries, known as online labor markets (OLMs), such as Freelancer and Upwork. Being rapidly growing markets, OLMs have attracted the interest of many researchers in recent years. Our research aims to examine the influence of temporal personalities of workers and the impact of temporal dimensions of work on job satisfaction in OLMs. Furthermore, we identify intrinsic and extrinsic factors contributing to job satisfaction. We use person-job fit and job characteristic theory as a theoretical foundation for this research. To collect data from workers, a survey will be designed and deployed on three popular online labor markets. The results of the study will help us to understand workers’ perception of job satisfaction in such markets.

Download: This contribution is part of the OpenSym 2017 proceedings and is available as a PDF file.


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