Developing A Framework to Assess Socio-economic Value of Open Data in India

Title: Developing A Framework to Assess Socio-economic Value of Open Data in India

Authors: Sharon Buteau, Preethi Rao, Vigneshraja Kadirvell and Anshuman Kumar Mehta, IFMR LEAD

Abstract: This paper attempts to develop a framework to assess the socio-economic value of Open Data in India. The paper discusses the various actors, their roles vis-a-vis usage of Open Data to generate intended output, and the net results of expected outcomes at the macro level. The paper further elaborates on how the framework is intended to observe and measure benefits arising as a result of Open Data production and utilization across various sectors in India and the value it creates for the stakeholders. The framework developed in this paper is intended to form the basis of a more elaborate study under which we aim to determine the rupee value of Open Data in India. An assessment of the value created by Open Data will provide the necessary insights to Open Data producers to base their decisions as regards scaling of their efforts as well as provide the much necessary feedback to the Open Data ecosystem as a whole.

Download: This contribution is part of the OpenSym 2018 proceedings and is available as a PDF file.


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