Author: admin

  • WikiViz deadline extended

    Hi all.

    After receiving several requests to extend the deadline for submitting to WikiViz, the visualization contest co-organized by WikiSym and WMF, the committee has decided to grant this extension.

    Therefore, the new deadline to submit your visualizations is August 28. Please note that, for the time being, all other important dates for this contest remain unaltered.

    Good luck to all participants. We look forward to meeting you at Mountain View!

    PS: As usual, this deadline means that as long as it is August 28 anywhere on Earth your submission will be able to enter the contest.

  • WikiSym 2011 registration is now open

    We are pleased to announce that registration for WikiSym 2011 is now open. Follow this link to begin the easy Google Checkout-based process.

    Early-bird registration ends August 29, so don’t delay. Even students will save money by registering early!

  • WikiViz 2011: Data Visualization Challenge

    Data visualization is an emerging field of interest in many areas such as journalism, consulting or research. The abundance of digital information, and specially open and publicly available datasets, is boosting inspiration of InfoViz practitioners and enthusiast to surprise us with creative and beautiful visualizations.

    Eagle(owl)-eye - modified

    In WikiSym, we have been planning the best way to promote and disseminate interest in this area, considering the advantages of open content, open datasets and open web technologies. Therefore, together with Wikimedia Foundation we decided to co-organized a challenge to ask data/information visualization experts, computational journalists, data artists and data scientists to create the most insightful visualization of open collaboration data. We will also have several partners from design, innovation, and media collaborating with us in this contest.

    The rules, schedule and topic of this year’s challenge will be published very soon. A committee of recognized InfoViz experts will review all submissions to select a winner and 2 finalists, who will be able to attend WikiSym 2011 next October at Microsoft Research Silicon Valley to present their creations and receive their awards.

    To learn more about this challenge, you can visit the WikiViz page on the WikiSym 2011 website, or follow us on Twitter.

  • Deadline extended for posters and demos

    You asked, we listened.

    Again, we have received many requests for extra time to complete submissions. Thus, please note that the deadline for posters and demos has been extended to Friday, May 20. As usual, this deadline is considered as Apia time (that is, as long as it is May 20 somewhere on Earth, you will be able to submit your work).

    Please, follow the submission instructions from the conference website.

  • Deadline Extension!

    You asked, we listened.

    The conference committee has had several requests for a bit of extra time – so please note that the deadline for research papers, experience reports, workshops and panels has been moved back to Monday April 4th. As long as it’s Monday , April 4 somewhere on Earth, the system will accept your submissions. See the WikiSym 2011 site for submission instructions.

    Happy writing!


  • WikiSym 2011 submission process is open

    The submission site for WikiSym 2011 is now open to receive your contributions.

    Please, make sure that you check the submission instructions carefully before sending your works. There are specific guidelines and document formats that authors must consider for each category.

    We look forward to seeing you in Silicon Valley!

    a lot of envelopes

  • CfP Doctoral Symposium WikiSym 2011

    The CfP in the Doctoral Symposium of WikiSym 2011 has been published. You can check the details on the WikiSym 2011 website.

    The call is open to doctoral students doing work related to open collaboration, regardless of their academic discipline. Relevant disciplines include (but are not limited to) computer science, sociology, psychology, anthropology, information science, cognitive science, rhetoric, communications, and economics. Applicants should have a clear research direction in their ongoing work to get utmost benefit from this session.

    In addition, students with accepted submissions to this session will be eligible to receive some support for travel, accommondation and conference registration, thanks to a generous grant from NSF.

    Georg Friedrich Kersting - Der elegante Leser

  • Creative Commons sponsors WikiSym 2011

    We are pleased to announce a new sponsor for WikiSym 2011, the 7th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration.

    Creative Commons will join us this year as a WikiSym “Associate” sponsor, focusing on Open Educational Resources and open content, both important topics of interest to our conference.

    Creative Commons logo español
    CC logo by claudioruiz, in Flickr

    Creative Commons is a non-profit organization based in San Francisco (California) that develops, supports, and stewards legal and technical infrastructure that maximizes digital creativity, sharing, and innovation worldwide. Our partnership will help us disseminate our shared interests to a broader, global audience.

    We are also preparing joint initiatives that we hope you will enjoy in our exciting march towards WikiSym 2011, October 3-5. We will announce these initiatives as we move along. Creative commons lends us their network to publish important news about WikiSym.

    Make sure to keep an eye on this blog and our Twitter account (@wikisym) to hear about them first!

  • Presenting WikiSym 2011 website

    Hi all!

    Christmas is ahead of us and we just received a wonderful gift. A few hours ago, we have just launched our brand new WikiSym 2011 website. You may have also noticed our new banner on top of this parent site and… the awesome logo for next year!. We will provide some promotional artwork (short and long banners) very soon, so that you can help us spread the word.

    We also started the main campaign to find out sponsors. If you want to consider becoming a WikiSym 2011 sponsor, you should visit the sponsors page and also read our invitation to sponsors.

  • CosmoCode sponsors WikiSym 2011 website

    We are very happy to announce that CosmoCode is sponsoring the upcoming WikiSym 2011 website.

    Thanks to this sponsorship, this year our website will run on the champion wiki platform DokuWiki. The CosmoCode wiki team is also working on a brand new design, exclusive for WikiSym.

    We would like to thank Andreas Gohr and the CosmoCode wiki team for their great support and effort to make the WikiSym 2011 website an attractive experience for our community.