Author: Agnes Low

  • Toward efficient source code sharing on the Web

    Title: Toward efficient source code sharing on the Web

    Authors: Hiroaki Fukuda (Shibura Institute of Technology, Japan)

    Abstract: The Web is one of the useful references for developers to find pieces of code that represent what they need nowadays. In addition, we can find websites that contain not only source code but also detailed explanations of the code. In these websites, explanations are usually located above/below code, thereby users, who refer to these explanations, sometimes need to scroll a (browser) window to understand pieces of code reading the corresponding explanations. As a consequence, users have to temporarily memorize code and/or the corresponding expositions, wasting extra time. On the other hand, it is common to use wiki to edit a set of code and corresponding explanations. In most wiki systems, they prepare only one window to edit code and its explanations, therefore editors usually need to scroll the window to complete editing, also consuming extra time. This paper proposes a special wiki system for reading and editing source code referring its explanations, called CodeWiki that provides multiple windows for editors to edit code and explanations. Besides, CodeWiki enables readers to click a link which will lead them to a window that contains corresponding explanations. As a consequence, readers and editors do not need to scroll a window, meaning that CodeWiki can prevent readers/editors from wasting extra time. We propose a prototype implementation of CodeWiki and show its usage.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2015 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2015 proceedings (or companion) on or after August 19, 2015.

  • Social Collaboration Metrics

    Title: Social Collaboration Metrics

    Author: Manfred Langen (Siemens AG)

    Abstract: Social Media in the enterprise is widely introduced, and its benefit in general is not in doubt. But the arguments of better communication and improved networking of employees will not be sufficient in the long term. Today’s metrics on registered users, number of visits or user generated content have to prove a relation to real business impact. Therefore, we at Siemens Corporate Technology developed the ICUP model (Impact, Connectedness, User engagement, Platform adoption) to close the gap between counting registered users and measuring business value.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2015 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2015 proceedings (or companion) on or after August 19, 2015.

  • Govwiki.US: An Open Directory of US Local Governments

    Title: Govwiki.US: An Open Directory of US Local Governments

    Author: Marc D. Joffe (Public Sector Credit Solutions, USA), Vadim Ivlev (Electronic Archive, Russian Federation)

    Abstract: This demonstration describes a new open source and open data website we are planning to interface with Wikipedia.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2015 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2015 proceedings (or companion) on or after August 19, 2015.

  • Contribution, Social Networking, and the Request for Adminship Process in Wikipedia

    Title: Contribution, Social networking, and the Request for Adminship process in Wikipedia

    Authors: Romain Picot-Clémente, Cécile Bothorel (UMR CNRS 6285 Lab-STICC),
    Nicolas Jullien (ICI-M@rsouin)

    Abstract: Epistemic communities are said to be project-oriented communities of experts, evaluated on their contribution in terms of knowledge, where the main criterion for promotion is knowledge production. However, for Wikipedia, for open source, have argued that taking responsibility is an additional step from being a regular contributor, and social interactions with peers may be an additional requirement for being promoted. This work addresses this discussion by looking at the electing process of the administrators (admin) in the English Wikipedia, where exists a quite competitive process of election for the managing position called “administrator”, where social connections and knowledge production skills seem to matter. From 2006-01-01 to 2007-10-01, which is our period of study, there were 1,617 RfA, with a 49.2% rate of success).

    This contribution to OpenSym 2015 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2015 proceedings (or companion) on or after August 19, 2015.

  • Wikipedia in the World of Global Gender Inequality Indices: What The Biography Gender Gap Is Measuring

    Title: Wikipedia in the World of Global Gender Inequality Indices: What The Biography Gender Gap Is Measuring

    Authors: Max Klein

    Abstract: While Wikipedia’s editor gender gap is important but difficult to measure, its biographical gender gap can more readily be measured. We correlate a Wikipedia-derived gender inequality indicator (WIGI), with four widespread gender inequality indices in use today (GDI, GEI, GGGI, and SIGI). Analysing their methodologies and correlations to Wikipedia, we find evidence that Wikipedia’s bias in biographical coverage is related to the gender bias in positions of social power.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2015 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2015 proceedings (or companion) on or after August 19, 2015.

  • Tool-Mediated Coordination of Virtual Teams in Complex Systems

    Title: Tool-Mediated Coordination of Virtual Teams in Complex Systems

    Authors: Michael Gilbert, Mark Zachry (Human Centered Design & Engineering University of Washington Seattle, WA USA)

    Abstract: Support for coordination in online spaces, specifically in peer production systems, has frequently been an after-thought. In the absence of such support, the users of such systems must work to find an emergent order that drives shared project goals and leads to equitable processes. In short, they must rely on the “wisdom of the crowds.” As our study demonstrates, however, the reality is that often the system tools available for coordination, evaluation, and work articulation are not suitable to the task at hand. Our study, first, takes a theoretical approach to understanding how tool-mediated coordination functions within peer production systems. Secondly, we enumerate the methods available to identify automated and semi-automated tools that function within such systems by quantitatively and qualitatively analyzing trace interactions and their utility in Wikipedia over a year-long period. Finally, we identify potential vacuums where new design interventions have the greatest potential for enhancing peer-production systems.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2015 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2015 proceedings (or companion) on or after August 19, 2015.

  • Open Access to Working Notes in the Humanities

    Title: Open Access to Working Notes in the Humanities

    Authors: Michael K. Buckland, School of Information, University of California, Berkeley, CA Patrick Golden, Ryan B. Shaw (Sch. of Information & Library Science, University of North Carolina)

    Abstract: A web-based tool for making and sharing research designed for authors, curators, and editors in the humanities is described, Notes are a varied genre not limited to annotations. The data for the tool is modeled as three kinds of records: Notes created; Documents cited; and Topics, headings for names and subjects. Structured records are needed for interoperability and sharing. Open access, sustainability issues, and how working notes can complement other infrastructure are discussed in a status report.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2015 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2015 proceedings (or companion) on or after August 19, 2015.

  • The Rise and Fall of an Online Project: Is Bureaucracy Killing Efficiency in Open Knowledge Production?

    Title: The Rise and Fall of an Online Project: Is Bureaucracy Killing Efficiency in Open Knowledge Production?

    Authors: Nicolas Jullien (LUSSI-iSchool, ICI-M@rsouin, Télécom Bretagne), Kevin Crowston (School of Information Studies, Syracuse University), Felipe Ortega, Dept. Statistics andOperations Research (University Rey Juan Carlos)

    Abstract: We evaluate the efficiency of an online knowledge production project and identify factors that affect efficiency. To assess efficiency, we used the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) modelling methodology. We apply DEA to data from more than 30 Wikipedia language projects over three years. We show that the main Wikipedia projects were indeed less efficient that smaller ones, an effect that can be attributed in part to decreasing returns to scale.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2015 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2015 proceedings (or companion) on or after August 19, 2015.

  • #Wikipedia on Twitter: Analyzing Tweets about Wikipedia

    Title: #Wikipedia on Twitter: Analyzing Tweets about Wikipedia

    Authors: Eva Zangerle, Georg Schmidhammer, Günther Specht (Databases and Information Systems, Institute of Computer Science University of Innsbruck, Austria)

    Abstract: Wikipedia has long become a standard source of information on the web and as such is widely referenced on the web and in social media. This paper analyzes the usage of Wikipedia on Twitter by looking into languages used on both platforms, content features of posted articles and recent edits of those articles. The analysis is based on a set of four million tweets and links these tweets to Wikipedia articles and their features to identify interesting relations. We find that within English and Japanese tweets containing a link to Wikipedia, 97% of the links lead to the English resp. Japanese Wikipedia, whereas for other languages 20% of the tweets contain a link to a Wikipedia of a di erent language. Our results also indicate that the number of tweets about a certain topic is not correlated to the number of recent edits on the particular page at the time of sending the tweet.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2015 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2015 proceedings (or companion) on or after August 19, 2015.

  • Page Protection: Another Missing Dimension of Wikipedia Research

    Title: Page Protection: Another Missing Dimension of Wikipedia Research

    Authors: Benjamin Mako Hill (University of Washington, Department of Communication), Aaron Shaw (Northwestern University, Department of Communication Studies)

    Abstract: Page protection is a feature of wiki software that allows administrators to restrict contributions to particular pages. For example, pages are frequently protected so that they can only be edited by administrators. Page protection affects tens of thousands of pages in English Wikipedia and renders many of Wikipedia’s most visible pages uneditable by the vast majority of visitors. That said, page protection has attracted very little attention and is rarely taken into account by researchers. This note describes page protection and illustrates why it plays an important role in shaping user behavior on wikis. We also present a new longitudinal dataset of page protection events for English Wikipedia, the software used to produce it, and results from tests that support both the validity of the dataset and the impact of page protection on patterns of editing.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2015 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2015 proceedings (or companion) on or after August 19, 2015.