All posts by Dirk Riehle

WikiSym 2008 Proceedings Available

The WikiSym 2008 proceedings are now available on the WikiSym server at

These pages contain the accepted research papers and more. They will be provided through the ACM Digital Library as soon as we have gathered the workshop reports. For the time being, please help yourself at ws2008/proceedings!

Follow WikiSym 2008 on Twitter!

You can track what’s happening on twitter by following the hashtag #wikisym08. Try this URL:

WikiSym 2008 Panel: End-User Programming with Application Wikis

We are happy to announce a WikiSym 2008 panel on end-user programming with application wikis. Panelists will be Ludovic Dubost, Stewart Nickolas, and Peter Thoeny, and of course you, readers of this blog and participants at WikiSym, as we are hoping to make this as engaging as possible. Please let us know what questions we should ask the panelists by commenting on this blog entry or by asking them in person at WikiSym 2008!


Wikis empower users to collaborate with each other using prose. Users imprint data structures and processes onto wiki pages using social and technical conventions. Application wikis enhance wiki engines with lightweight programming features that aid in making data structures and processes explicit. Using these features, end-users can program a wiki to better support them in their collaborative processes and integrate their work into the overall IT infrastructure. Application wikis make database access and business process integration easy from within the wiki while maintaining the wiki-style of collaborative work. The panelists of this panel, together with the audience and the moderator, will review existing work and explore future research directions in application wikis.

About the Panelists

Continue reading WikiSym 2008 Panel: End-User Programming with Application Wikis

CfP: First Workshop on “Interdisciplinary Research on Wiki Communities”


First Workshop on “Interdisciplinary Research on Wiki Communities”, on September 8, 2008, at WikiSym 2008, Porto, Portugal, September 8-10, 2008


The array of approaches to studying wikis is a source of wealth but also a possible source of confusion: What are appropriate methodologies for the analysis of wiki communities? Which are the most critical parameters (both quantitative and qualitative) for study in wiki evolution and outcomes? Is it possible to find effective interdisciplinary approaches to augment our overall understanding of these dynamic creative environments?
Continue reading CfP: First Workshop on “Interdisciplinary Research on Wiki Communities”

Two Weeks Left for Second Submission Deadline!

After over 50 responses of paper submissions, here is a gentle reminder that the deadline for submitting posters, demos, WikiFest proposals, and DoctoralSpace proposals is still open, and due in about 2 weeks.

Read more in the wikisym-announce email about the second round of paper submissions.

WikiSym 2008: Full Call for Papers

The International Symposium on Wikis

September 8-10, 2008, Porto, Portugal

In-cooperation with ACM SIGWEB * ACM-DL Archived

Continue reading WikiSym 2008: Full Call for Papers

Survey on Wiki Adoption

From Lin Weizhang <>:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am currently conducting an academic questionnaire survey on Wiki technology. The survey title is called “Survey on Adoption of Wiki Technology Innovation”.

Continue reading Survey on Wiki Adoption

WikiSym 2008: Date and Location

WikiSym 2008 will take place in Porto, Portugal, from Sept 8-10. Conference chair is Ademar Aguiar and program chair is Mark Bernstein. Stay tuned, as we intend to follow up with the Call for Papers shortly.

Third Bit of History: WikiSym 2007

WikiSym 2007 took place in Montreal, Canada:

The 2007 conference chair was Alain Desilets and the program chair was Robert Biddle.

Another Bit of History: WikiSym 2006

WikiSym 2006 took place in Odense, Denmark:

The 2006 conference chair was Dirk Riehle and the program chair was James Noble.