Category Archives: Announcement

Wiki This site: The Universal Edit Button Launches Today

Tim Berners-Lee’s intended the web to be writeable by all. Yet, for decades it’s been stuck in a “read mostly” mode. Everyone web surfs, some add content but very few really get to fundamentally re-express and re-structure web content. We know this. We wiki. Problem is, many don’t.

It is hoped that the icon will draw contributions to wiki-based sites, by serving as a reminder to how changeable they are.

Continue reading Wiki This site: The Universal Edit Button Launches Today

Two Weeks Left for Second Submission Deadline!

After over 50 responses of paper submissions, here is a gentle reminder that the deadline for submitting posters, demos, WikiFest proposals, and DoctoralSpace proposals is still open, and due in about 2 weeks.

Read more in the wikisym-announce email about the second round of paper submissions.

Submission System is Now Open!

Due May 10th:

  • Research papers and practitioner reports: submit to cyberchair
  • Workshops and panels: submit to
  • Tutorials: submit to

Due June 11th:

  • Demos and posters: submit to
  • DoctoralSpace proposals: submit to
  • WikiFest submissions: submit to

Babel Wiki ’08: Workshop on Cross-Lingual Collaboration

Sébastien Paquet, Alain Désilets and Xavier de Pedro are putting together a workshop for WikiSym 2008, on the topic of Cross-Lingual Collaboration:

Five Reasons Why You Should Speak at WikiSym 2008

Have you submitted your WikiSym proposal yet? The deadline for submitting research papers, practitioner reports, workshops, panels, and tutorials is 3 May—that’s just 3 weeks away! Why should you submit a proposal to present:

  1. It’s the conference for discussing & sharing wiki research & practice.
  2. Share your wiki adoption strategies at the first-ever WikiFest.
  3. Get valuable feedback and ideas from fellow wiki experts.
  4. It’s in Porto, a wonderful and historical city!
  5. It’s fun! You’ll build great relationships with the people you meet!

I’m looking forward to reviewing your proposal – submit it today!

  • Research papers and practitioner reports: submit to cyberchair
  • Workshops and panels: submit to
  • Demos and posters: submit to
  • Tutorials: submit to
  • WikiFest submissions: submit to

WikiSym 2008: Full Call for Papers

The International Symposium on Wikis

September 8-10, 2008, Porto, Portugal

In-cooperation with ACM SIGWEB * ACM-DL Archived

Continue reading WikiSym 2008: Full Call for Papers

WikiSym 2008: Call For Submissions

The WikiSym 2008 conference web site was launched! Information about important dates, submissions, and the venue is already there. Call for Papers letters will be sent out soon to your mailboxes.