Category: Doctoral Symposium

  • Open Strategy: Rhetoric or Reality?

    Title: Open Strategy: Rhetoric or Reality?

    Author: Josh Morton (Loughborough University – School of Business and Economics)

    Abstract: This research intends to extend research into the open strategy phenomenon by establishing a ‘rhetoric or reality’ approach to analyzing primarily one in-depth, longitudinal case study. This means a main objective of finding out more about the process of open strategy initiatives and to establish how the ideas collected from a wider range of organizational actors do, if at all, lead to new strategic directions. Our primary research question therefore asks ‘What practices do organizational actors engage in to construct strategic ideas in open strategy initiatives, and how are these ideas subsequently used by the organization?’. Addressing this question and emphasizing the episodic nature of open strategy will be especially important as open strategy becomes a more ubiquitous feature of organizational life, and needs not only a more confined definition, but also means of systematic analysis, helping to discover more about how those involved in open strategy contribute, and to what extent the actual initiatives are effective in informing future strategies.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2016 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2016 proceedings on or after August 17, 2016.

  • OpenSym Doctoral Symposium with Keynote on “A Strange Animal Called Peer-reviewed Publishing”

    On Tuesday before the official opening of this year’s OpenSym conference, the Doctoral Symposium Workshop will be held at Wikimedia Germany, Tempelhofer Ufer 23/24, 10963 Berlin. We are very happy that Prof. Gordon Müller-Seitz (University of Duisburg-Essen and TU Kaiserslautern) agreed to give an opening keynote on “A Strange Animal Called Peer-reviewed Publishing”.

    Please find the preliminary DocSym program below:

    Introduction & Keynote

    • 10:00 – 10:10 AM:  Welcome & introducing the day by Leonhard Dobusch and Claudia Müller-Birn (DocSym Chairs)
    • 10:00 – 10:30 AM: Participant introduction roundtable
    • 10:30 – 11:15 AM: Gordon Müller-Seitz: “A Strange Animal Called Peer-reviewed Publishing” (Introductory lecture and Q&A)

    Part I: Open Source Software

    • 11:30 – 12:00 AM: Ann Barcomb: “Volunteer Attraction and Retention in Open Source Communities”
    • 12:00 – 12:30 AM: Jose Teixeira: “Understanding Coopetition in the Open-Source Arena: The Cases of WebKit and OpenStack”
    • 12:30-13:00 AM: Ahmmad Youssef: “Impact of Collaboration on Structural Software Quality”

    Lunch Break

    Part II: Open Institutions

    • 2:00 – 2:30 PM: David Rozas: “Drupal as a Commons-Based Peer Production community: a sociological perspective”
    • 2:30 – 3:00 PM: Maximilian Heimstädt: “The Institutionalization of Digital Openness – How NGOs, Hackers and Civil Servants Organize Municipal Open Data Ecosystems”
    • 3:00-3:15 PM: Summary & Closing

    OpenSym participants who want to attend as visitors, please send an e-mail to the DocSym chairs Leonhard Dobusch and Claudia Müller-Birn because space is limited.

  • Call for Applications: Doctoral Symposium at WikiSym + OpenSym 2013

    WikiSym, the 9th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration
    OpenSym, the 2013 International Symposium on Open Collaboration

    August 5-7, 2013 | Hong Kong, China

    ACM In-cooperation with SIGWEB and SIGSOFT. Archived in the ACM Digital Library.

    Doctoral symposium paper submission deadline: April 19, 2013.

    The 2013 Joint International Symposium on Open Collaboration (WikiSym + OpenSym 2013) is the premier conference on open collaboration research, including wikis and social media, Wikipedia, free, libre, and open source software, open access, open data and open government research. WikiSym is in its 9th year and will be complemented by OpenSym, a new conference on open collaboration research and an adjunct to the successful WikiSym conference series. WikiSym + OpenSym 2013 is the first conference to bring together the different strands of open collaboration research, seeking to create synergies and inspire new research between computer scientists, social scientists, legal scholars, and everyone interested in understanding open collaboration and how it is changing the world. Read more about the conference at


    The WikiSym + Openym 2013 Doctoral Symposium is a forum in which Ph.D. students can meet and discuss their work with each other and a panel of experienced researchers and practitioners. The symposium will be held on August 4 in Hong Kong.

    We encourage participation from all doctoral students doing work related to open collaboration, regardless of their academic discipline. Relevant disciplines include (but are not limited to) computer science, sociology, psychology, anthropology, law, information science, cognitive science, rhetoric, communications, and economics.

    Applicants should be Ph.D. students with a clear focus or programme of research. This workshop will help to strengthen and sharpen the research focus and implementation, rather than generate specific ideas for research. Preference will be given to students who already have begun their dissertations and are within two years of graduation.

    The Symposium committee will select 8-10 participants. Participants will present their work at the Symposium; each student presentation will be followed by feedback from a faculty mentor and extensive group discussion.

    Feel free to email the chair with any questions.
