Category: Conference Contributions

  • Differentiating Communication Styles of Leaders on the Linux Kernel Mailing List

    Title: Differentiating Communication Styles of Leaders on the Linux Kernel Mailing List

    Authors: Daniel Schneider, Scott Spurlock and Megan Squire (Elon University)

    Abstract: Much communication between developers of free, libre, and open source software (FLOSS) projects happens on email mailing lists. Geographically and temporally dispersed development teams use email as an asynchronous, centralized, persistently stored institutional memory for sharing code samples, discussing bugs, and making decisions. Email is especially important to large, mature projects, such as the Linux kernel, which has thousands of developers and a multilayered leadership structure. In this paper, we collect and analyze data to understand the communication patterns in such a community. How do the leaders of the Linux Kernel project write in email? What are the salient features of their writing, and can we discern one leader from another? We find that there are clear written markers for two leaders who have been particularly important to recent discussions of leadership style on the Linux Kernel Mailing List (LKML): Linux Torvalds and Greg Kroah-Hartman. Furthermore, we show that it is straightforward to use a machine learning strategy to automatically differentiate these two leaders based on their writing. Our findings will help researchers understand how this community works, and why there is occasional controversy regarding differences in communication styles on the LKML.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2016 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2016 proceedings on or after August 17, 2016.

  • Motivation of Newcomers to FLOSS Projects

    Title: Motivation of Newcomers to FLOSS Projects

    Authors: Christoph Hannebauer and Volker Gruhn (paluno – The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology University of Duisburg-Essen)

    Abstract: While the motivations of Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) developers have been the subject of extensive research, the motivations for their initial contribution to a FLOSS project has received only little attention. This survey of 94 newcomers to the FLOSS projects Mozilla and GNOME identifies the motivations for the modification of the FLOSS components and for the submission of these modifications back to the FLOSS project. With the responses, we test a hypothesis based on the previous qualitative research on newcomer motivations: Most newcomers modify a component because they need the modification for themselves. Surprisingly, this is not the case for our respondents, who have a variety of primary modification motivations. Newcomer occupation is discussed as a reason for this difference to previous results.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2016 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2016 proceedings on or after August 17, 2016.

  • Observing Custom Software Modifications: A Quantitative Approach of Tracking the Evolution of Patch Stacks

    Title: Observing Custom Software Modifications: A Quantitative Approach of Tracking the Evolution of Patch Stacks

    Authors: Ralf Ramsauer (Technical University of Applied Sciences Regensburg); Daniel Lohmann (Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg); Wolfgang Mauerer (Technical University of Applied Sciences Regensburg Siemens AG, Munich)

    Abstract: Modifications to open-source software (OSS) are often provided in the form of “patch stacks”– sets of changes (patches) that modify a given body of source code. Maintaining patch stacks over extended periods of time is problematic when the underlying base project changes frequently. This necessitates a continuous and engineering-intensive adaptation of the stack. Nonetheless, long-term maintenance is an important problem for changes that are not integrated into projects, for instance when they are controversial or only of value to a limited group of users. We present and implement a methodology to systematically examine the temporal evolution of patch stacks, track non-functional properties like integrability and maintainability, and estimate the eventual economic and engineering effort required to successfully develop and maintain patch stacks. Our results provide a basis for quantitative research on patch stacks, including statistical analyses and other methods that lead to actionable advice on the construction and long-term maintenance of custom extensions to OSS.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2016 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2016 proceedings on or after August 17, 2016.

  • GNU Health: A Free/Libre Community-based Health Information System

    Luis Falcón Martín of GNU Solidario, will be presenting the following keynote at OpenSym 2016:

    Title: GNU Health: A Free/Libre Community-based Health Information System

    Abstract: GNU Health is community-based, Free/Libre Health and Hospital Information System, deployed in many countries around the globe. It merges Social Medicine with state of the art advances in bioinformatics, providing a framework for integrative medicine, governments and Public Health institutions as well as research organizations. In this presentation we will talk about case studies in Public health, integration with other Free Software community projects such as OpenStreetMaps, and the upcoming GNU Health Federation model to interconnect large, heterogeneous health networks. We will present some of the upcoming features on GNU Health, including topics on interoperability and standards (HL7 FHIR) or MyGnuHealth, a mobile application for Personal Health. Finally, we will dedicate a section to the GNU Health functionality on bioinformatics, personalized medicine, clinical genetics, big data, and cooperation with the academia, research institutions and multi-lateral organizations.

    Speaker’s Biography: Luis Falcón, M.D., B.Sc, holds a degree in Computer Science and Mathematics from the California State University, Northridge (USA) and in Medicine from IUCS, Buenos Aires (Argentina). Luis is a social, animal rights and Free Software activist. He is the founder of GNU Solidario, a nonprofit organization that delivers Health and Education with Free Software. Luis is the author of GNU Health (, the award-winning Free/Libre Health and Hospital Information System. He is a guest speaker at national and international conferences about Free Software, eHealth and Social Medicine. He currently lives in the Canary Islands.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2016 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2016 proceedings on or after August 17, 2016.

  • Good Citizenship is Good Business: Open Source, Sustainable Development and the Corporate Bottom Line

    Leslie Hawthorn will be presenting the following keynote at OpenSym 2016:

    Title: Good Citizenship is Good Business: Open Source, Sustainable Development and the Corporate Bottom Line

    Abstract: This talk examines the current landscape of open source project and enterprise interplay, including the tensions between them. Leslie will demonstrate how models have developed to ease these problematic areas for corporations, but how these new models do not necessarily meet the needs of individual developers. She will conclude with a discussion of how adhering to well-worn approaches to open source software development are not only best practice for corporate players, but provide them with long-term benefits from the perspective of sustainability, employee retention and community good will.

    Speaker’s Biography: As an internationally known Developer Relations strategist and Community Management expert, Leslie Hawthorn has spent the past decade creating, cultivating, and enabling open source communities. She’s best known for creating Google Code-in, the world’s first global initiative to involve pre-university students in open source software development, launching the second-most trafficked Google’s Developer Blog, and receiving an O’Reilly Open Source Award in 2010 for her work to grow the Google Summer of Code program and her contributions to Humanitarian open source projects. During her 15 years working in the technology industry, Leslie has developed, honed and shared open source expertise spanning the Enterprise to NGOs, including senior roles at Google, Red Hat, the Open Source Initiative, the OSU Open Source Lab and several startups, including Elastic. Born and raised in Silicon Valley, she and her family now call Amsterdam home, though she travels worldwide to keynote about open source, and building products and teams that are built to last. You can follow her adventures on Twitter @lhawthorn.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2016 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2016 proceedings on or after August 17, 2016.

  • Truly Open OER: What the Open Education Movement Can Learn from Open Source’s Success

    Adam Blum of Open Ed, will be presenting the following keynote at OpenSym 2016:

    Title: Truly Open OER: What the Open Education Movement Can Learn from Open Source’s Success

    Abstract: Most OER repositories have been around for more than a decade but the growth rates have been marginal. By contrast open source has become the dominant platform for web development. We believe the primary reason is that OER has not become truly open. A new definition of “open” in OER could be: open source the catalog itself, provide an open API for searching and contributing resources, open universal access to all partners, and openness to paid and free content. We’ll describe how each of these principles will accelerate adoption and impact of OER.

    Speaker’s Biography: CEO/CTO/VP Engineering of several successful startups. Formerly adjunct professor at UC Berkeley and Carnegie Mellon. Author of three computer science texts, including first book on web server development. Continually active open source contributor. Now building OpenEd – the largest K-12 resource library and “operating system for personalized learning”, used by many other ed tech companies to provide just the right resource for each student. OpenEd was acquired by ACT in May of this year.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2016 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2016 proceedings on or after August 17, 2016.

  • Anthony I. Wasserman on Barriers and Pathways to Successful Collaboration at OpenSym 2015

    Anthony I. (Tony) Wasserman of CMU (Silicon Valley) will be presenting the following keynote at OpenSym 2015:

    Title: Barriers and Pathways to Successful Collaboration

    Abstract: Effective collaboration is essential to virtually every human endeavor, since there are relatively few significant tasks that can be accomplished by a single individual. Successful collaboration efforts can be ascribed to a shared vision, strong and charismatic leadership, and the ability to overcome technical, organizational, and personal obstacles to achieving the project’s objective(s). At the same time, there are many barriers that can make these efforts fail. While these barriers can’t always be overcome, the chances of success are greatly improved if people are aware of the various challenges and take steps to anticipate them in advance. This talk addresses these issues, and draws examples from the FLOSS community, from startups, and from other disciplines.

    Biography: Anthony I. (Tony) Wasserman is a Professor of Software Management Practice at Carnegie Mellon University Silicon Valley, and the Executive Director of its Center for Open Source Investigation (COSI), focused on evaluation and adoption of open source software. In 1980, as a Professor at UC San Francisco, he released the software for his User Software Engineering research project under a BSD license. Subsequently, as CEO of Interactive Development Environments (IDE), he incorporated some of that software in IDE’s Software through Pictures multiuser modeling environment, released in 1984, making it among the very first commercial products to include open source software. After IDE, Tony was VP of Engineering for a dot-com, and later became VP of Bluestone Software, where Bluestone’s open source Total-e-Mobile toolkit allowed mobile devices to connect to JavaEE web applications. Tony is very active in the international open source research community, and served as General Chair of the 2009 and 2014 Int’l. Conference on Open Source Systems. He is on the Board of Directors of the Open Source Initiative (OSI) and the Board of Advisors of Open Source for America Tony is a Fellow of the ACM and a Life Fellow of the IEEE for his contributions to software engineering and software development environments. He received the 2012 Distinguished Educator Award from the IEEE’s Technical Council on Software Engineering and the 2013 Influential Educator Award from the ACM’s Special Interest Group on Software Engineering. Tony has been to almost 70 countries, including some that no longer exist, and posts his photos on Flickr.

  • Peter Norvig on Applying Machine Learning to Programs at OpenSym 2015

    Peter Norvig of Google Research, will be presenting the following keynote at OpenSym 2015:

    Title: Applying Machine Learning to Programs

    Abstract: Certain tasks, such as recognizing speech, or correcting spelling errors, are now routinely handled with machine learning algorithms. But most tasks are handled the old fashioned way, with programmers writing code line by line. Machine learning algorithms work by amassing large numbers of examples and extracting patterns from them. We certainly have amassed a large number of examples of code; what can algorithms, and we, learn from them?

    Biography: Peter Norvig is a Director of Research at Google Inc. Previously he was head of Google’s core search algorithms group, and of NASA Ames’s Computational Sciences Division, making him NASA’s senior computer scientist. He received the NASA Exceptional Achievement Award in 2001. He has taught at the University of Southern California and the University of California at Berkeley, from which he received a Ph.D. in 1986 and the distinguished alumni award in 2006. He was co-teacher of an Artifical Intelligence class that signed up 160,000 students, helping to kick off the current round of massive open online classes. His publications include the books Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (the leading textbook in the field), Paradigms of AI Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp, Verbmobil: A Translation System for Face-to-Face Dialog, and Intelligent Help Systems for UNIX. He is also the author of the Gettysburg Powerpoint Presentation and the world’s longest palindromic sentence. He is a fellow of the AAAI, ACM, California Academy of Science and American Academy of Arts & Sciences.

  • Robert J. Glushko on Collaborative Authoring, Evolution, and Personalization for a “Transdisciplinary” Textbook at OpenSym 2015

    Robert J. Glushko of University of California, Berkeley, will be presenting the following keynote at OpenSym 2015:

    Title: Collaborative Authoring, Evolution, and Personalization for a “Transdisciplinary” Textbook

    Abstract: This presentation is a case study about a book titled The Discipline of Organizing, which proposes a transdisciplinary synthesis of ideas from library and information science, computer science, informatics, cognitive science, business, and other disciplines that “intentionally arrange collections of resources to enable interactions with them.” This case study discusses the interrelationships between the transdisciplinary goal for the book, the process of collaborative authoring required to write it, the novel architecture of the book’s content, and the innovative reading experiences in print and ebook formats that are enabled. The idea that abstract concepts and methods of organizing define a new discipline that is contextualized by more specific concepts and methods inevitably led to a collaboratively-authored book whose design embodies this intellectual architecture. The book’s content is organized as a transdisciplinary core with supplemental content identified by discipline. This content model creates a “family of books” with thousands of siblings, any of which can be published in print or as an ebook by filtering on the disciplinary attributes. This “design-time” customization was enhanced to enable “reading-time” personalization for ebook formats. In addition, the rich semantic markup that enables customization and personalization is fodder for further experimentation about “smart textbooks” that can be continuously made smarter by dynamic discovery and inclusion of content.

    Biography: Robert J. Glushko is an Adjunct Full Professor in the School of Information at the University of California, Berkeley. After receiving his PhD in Cognitive Psychology at UC San Diego in 1979, he spent about ten years working in corporate R&D, about ten years as a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, and now has worked over ten years as an academic. His interests and expertise include information systems and service design, content management, and ebook design and publishing. He founded or co-founded four companies, including Veo Systems in 1997, which pioneered the use of XML for electronic business before its acquisition by Commerce One in 1999. He is a co-author of Document Engineering: Analyzing and Designing Documents for Business Informatics and Web Services, published in 2005. More recently, he is the principal author and editor of The Discipline of Organizing, named an “information science book of the year” in 2014 by the Association of Information Science and Technology.

  • Richard P. Gabriel on Artificial Sentiment: Using Machines to Manage Public Sentiment on Social Media at OpenSym 2015

    Richard P. Gabriel, renowned research scientist at IBM’s Watson Group, will be presenting the following keynote at OpenSym 2015:

    Title: Artificial Sentiment: using machines to manage public sentiment on social media

    Abstract: Social media is where public opinion is happening: where it’s born, where it grows / matures, and where it dies. In this talk I review techniques and approaches for machine processing of public sentiment on social media: how to analyze and understand it, how to react to it, and how to influence it. The age of artificial intelligence is upon us.
