Category: OpenSym 2013

  • WikiSym + OpenSym 2013 General Call for Submissions (Papers)

    WikiSym, the 9th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration
    OpenSym, the 2013 International Symposium on Open Collaboration

    August 5-7, 2013 | Hong Kong, China

    ACM In-cooperation with SIGWEB and SIGSOFT.

    About the Conference

    The 2013 Joint International Symposium on Open Collaboration (WikiSym + OpenSym 2013) is the premier conference on open collaboration research, including wikis and social media, Wikipedia, free, libre, and open source software, open access, open data and open government research. WikiSym is in its 9th year and will be complemented by OpenSym, a new conference on open collaboration research and an adjunct to the successful WikiSym conference series.


  • WikiSym + OpenSym 2013 Explained

    Conference Concept

    WikiSym + OpenSym 2013 is the conference for researchers and practitioners of open collaboration processes and technology, as found in wikis, Wikipedia, open source, citizen engineering, open access, open data, etc. (See definition at WikiSym + OpenSym 2013 brings together these different strands of open collaboration research and practice in one unifying event, scheduled for Aug 5-7, 2013, in Hong Kong, China.


  • Definition of Open Collaboration

    Many years after we started to use the term open collaboration and after some discussion between the WikiSym steering committee members, here is our definition of “open collaboration”. It provides the umbrella motivation for WikiSym + OpenSym.

    Open collaboration is collaboration that is

    • egalitarian (everyone can join, no principled or artificial barriers to participation exist),
    • meritocratic (decisions and status are merit-based rather than imposed) and
    • self-organizing (processes adapt to people rather than people adapt to pre-defined processes).

    Prime places to find open collaboration are on wikis, on Wikipedia and other Wikimedia Foundation projects, in open source, in open data and open government initiatives, open innovation, citizen engineering, peer production, and so on.

  • Announcing WikiSym + OpenSym 2013: Hong Kong, China, on Aug 5-7, 2013

    We are happy to announce that WikiSym 2013 will take place in Hong Kong on Aug 5-7, 2013. WikiSym will co-locate with a new sister event, OpenSym 2013. (WikiSym will be followed by Wikimania 2013, also in Hong Kong.) Research paper submission deadlines for WikiSym + OpenSym will be in March 2013. WikiSym + OpenSym 2013 will emphasize the open collaboration aspect of WikiSym both for researchers as well as practitioners. Open space will play an important role. More details to follow, stay tuned!