OpenSym News

  • Research Paper Submission Doors Closed, DocSym and Community Track Submissions Still Open

    OpenSym 2014 closed its research paper submission doors on May 4th with a record number of submissions. We are very happy about this and are looking forward to a strong technical program in Berlin on August 27-29, 2014.

    The Doctoral Symposium is still accepting submissions, and we also have left some room for a second round of Community Track paper submissions. Please see the respective pages for submission information.

  • Upcoming Paper Submission Deadline May 4th!

    Research paper submissions to OpenSym 2014 as well as the first round of community paper submissions are due

    May 4th, 2014 (changed from April 20th to evade Easter celebrations/vacation).

    Please get your papers ready and

    submit through OpenSym 2014 Easychair!

    Guidelines by way of the general OpenSym 2014 Call for Submissions (Papers).


  • Call for Submissions (Papers): Open Data Research Track at OpenSym 2014

    Research paper submission deadline: May 4th, 2014 (changed from April 20th to evade Easter celebrations/vacation).

    Link to full call for submissions: Open Data Research Track.

    Call for Submissions to Open Data Research Track

    Open Data has the potential to transform society, government and the economy, from how we travel to work to how we decide to vote. Many initiatives started to open data sets from the government, public organizations and from industry. Still however, research on Open Data falls short in the public.

    This track contributes to the increasing awareness on Open Data in research. It asks Open Data researchers and practitioners from research, industry, civil society, and government to join the Open Data track at OpenSym and to share your approaches, methods and results with others.

    We invite you to submit on, but not excluding:


  • Call for Submissions (Papers): IT-Driven Open Innovation at OpenSym 2014

    Research paper submission deadline: May 4th, 2014 (changed from April 20th to evade Easter celebrations/vacation).

    Link to full call for submissions: IT-Driven Open Innovation Research Track.

    Call for Submissions to IT-driven Open Innovation Research Track

    Open innovation expands the scope of research and development activities beyond the boundaries of single company structures and turns the participants into proactive and self-organized contributors. While most open innovation activities do not require extensive management control and guidance, they strongly rely on a functional infrastructure and powerful tools for data exchange, communication and cooperation in order to proceed efficiently and to generate valuable results. Information technology therefore plays a decisive role for open innovation.

    There can hardly be doubt that recent developments in information technology such as social media have hugely contributed to the enormous popularity of open innovation. Nevertheless, scientific insight into this dynamic is still rather limited. This opens up a wide field of research in computer science, information systems and adjacent disciplines, including topics such as:


  • Call for Submissions (Papers): Wikis and Open Collaboration Research Track at OpenSym 2014

    Research paper submission deadline: May 4th, 2014 (changed from April 20th to evade Easter celebrations/vacation).

    Link to full call for submissions: Wikis and Open Collaboration Research Track.

    Call for Submissions to the Wikis and Open Collaboration Research Track (WikiSym)

    While Wikipedia has shown that Internet-enabled open collaboration can be amazingly successful, the potential of open collaboration extends well beyond this single instance. This track is dedicated to the science and application of wikis and open collaboration technology outside of the context of Wikipedia.

    Researchers and practitioners from all disciplines interested in open collaboration technologies are encouraged to submit to this track. We anticipate that papers accepted to this track will examine these technologies using a variety of lenses informed by diverse disciplinary perspectives.

    We expect that some of the topics covered in this track will include (but by all means will not be limited to):


  • Call for Submissions (Papers): Open Educational Resources (OER) Research Track at OpenSym 2014

    Research paper submission deadline: May 4th, 2014 (changed from April 20th to evade Easter celebrations/vacation).

    Link to full call for submissions: Open Educational Resources Research Track.

    OER (Open Educational Resources) Research Track

    Open Educational Resources (OER) are learning materials that are freely available to use, reuse, adapt, and share. Collaborative spaces such as wikis and blogs allow teachers to connect, share and customize materials. Open online learning environments such as MOOCs make educational material for learners available in and out of school. With OER, we can harness the power of open access to high-level education addressing learners worldwide.

    The availability of large sets of user data and new analysis methods allows us to take into account individual differences of teachers and learners. By addressing learners’ different needs and various levels of prior knowledge more timely and adaptively, we may overcome the “one size fits all” solution towards a more flexible approach to teaching and learning. Connecting our students with rich and dynamic educational materials, thereby supporting self-paced learning and co-construction of knowledge, we may provoke critical thinking and ultimately enhance their learning.


  • Call for Submissions (Papers): Free/Libre/Open Source Software Research Track at OpenSym 2014

    Research paper submission deadline: May 4th, 2014 (changed from April 20th to evade Easter celebrations/vacation).

    Link to full call for submissions: Free/Libre/Open Source Research Track.

    Call for Submissions: Free/Libre/Open Source Research Track

    Although free, libre, and open source software (FLOSS) can be studied with the general methodologies and techniques developed for other kinds of software, it shows enough peculiarities (such as the extent to which it can be reused, the fact of being usually build by cooperating communities, or the exploration of new business models) to need new developments that help to understand it. In addition, in many cases it also offers new possibilities and opportunities to researchers, such as the availability of detailed data about the development process, the openness of the decision taking procedures, or the open and collaborative nature of communities around FLOSS projects, which allow for the development of new techniques and methodologies.

    The track on FLOSS research is one of the peer-reviewed research tracks of OpenSym. It aims at hosting current research papers on issues related to the different aspects of this kind of software, from different points of view. Multidisciplinary research is specially welcome, but specific lines within a given research field also have their place. In any case, the works presented should show specific aspects of FLOSS, and should not be limited to showing research issues on products that happen to be FLOSS, but have no differential aspect because of that.


  • Call for Submissions (Papers): Wikipedia Research Track at OpenSym 2014

    Research paper submission deadline: May 4th, 2014 (changed from April 20th to evade Easter celebrations/vacation).

    Link to full call for submissions: Wikipedia Research Track.

    Wikipedia Research Track (Wikisym): Call for Submissions

    The OpenSym conference includes a track specifically addressing Wikipedia Research (WikiSym). Topics of interest to this track include, but are not limited to:


  • Call for Applications: Doctoral Symposium at OpenSym 2014

    Doctoral symposium paper submission deadline: June 1, 2014.

    Link to full call for applications: Doctoral Symposium.

    About the Conference

    The 10th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (OpenSym 2014) is the premier conference on open collaboration research and practice, including wikis and social media, Wikipedia, free, libre, and open source software, open data, open access, and IT-driven open innovation research.

    OpenSym 2014 will be held in Berlin, Germany, on August 27-29, 2014. The OpenSym Doctoral Symposium will be held as a pre-conference event on August 26, 2014.

    OpenSym is held in-cooperation with ACM SIGWEB and ACM SIGSOFT. The conference proceedings will be archived in the ACM digital library like all prior editions.

    Doctoral Symposium at OpenSym 2014

    Ph.D. students who are interested in receiving feedback on their dissertation work from professors and other experts can submit a four (4) page summary to the doctoral symposium. There is only one type of submission, the position paper. Applications are reviewed for the possible value their authors would receive when accepted to the doctoral symposium.


  • Call for Submissions (Papers): Community Track at OpenSym 2014

    First community paper submission deadline: May 4th, 2014 (changed from April 20th to evade Easter celebrations/vacation).

    Link to full call for submissions: Community Track.

    Call for Submissions: OpenSym Community Track

    Defined as “collaboration that is egalitarian (everyone can join, no principled or artificial barriers to participation exist), meritocratic (decisions and status are merit-based rather than imposed) and self-organizing (processes adapt to people rather than people adapt to pre-defined processes)“, we are seeking community contributions that best exemplify this definition of open collaboration.

    Community contributions can stem from and address the different open collaboration domains such as:

    • Free, libre, and open source software projects and practice
    • Open access projects and practice
    • Open data projects and practice
    • Open educational resources projects and practice
    • IT-driven open innovation projects and practice
    • Wikipedia and related Wikimedia foundation projects and practice
    • Other open collaboration (wikis, social media, etc.) projects and practice
