Tag: pbwiki

  • Practioner, Researcher, Consultant, Vendor: Do You Run a Wiki or Knowledge Management Event?

    Every month in Toronto I co-run http://www.torontowikituesdays.com/ and http://www.knowledgeworkers.org/: our events have covered wiki public sites, vendor-specific implementations led by practitioners, in many fields, including Law, Education, and Industrial Design. Our events lined up for the next couple of months include the Toronto Public Library, TV Ontario, and Microsoft Sharepoint. These events help attendees to network, consultants to share ideas, practitioners to validate their convictions and researchers to ground their assumptions.

    Do you attend a local wiki-related or knowledge group?

    Whereever you are in the world: e.g. London, New York, Paris, Mumbai, Sydney; or whatever the specialism: e.g. Wiki-based intranets, Wiki-based Competitive Intelligence or Crowd Sourcing or  Collaborative Book writing,  or whatever the solution, whether as software: e.g. whether Confluence, Deki, Foswiki, Socialtext, Tiki-Wiki, Thoughtfarmer, Traction Software, TWiki,  or XWiki, or hosted, e.g. Pbwiki, Wetpaint, Wikia, WikiDot, WikiHow, WikiSpaces, or a site taking a wiki-centric approcach, e.g. Productwiki: we want to work with you.

    Certainly there’s competition within our industry. But before there’s competition there’s getting attention for the industry. Let’s get the wiki message loud and clear and collectively validate and show depth and breadth the worth of the industry.

    Practioner, researcher, consultant, vendor: We have a world of opportunity ahead of us.

    Contact us, either in the comments or to me privately, and WikiSym will find ways to help you coalesce local interest in your local events.

    Martin Cleaver
    Blended Perspectives