IT-Driven Open Innovation

OpenSym 2014, the 10th International Symposium on Open Collaboration August 27-29, 2014 | Berlin, Germany

About the Conference

The 10th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (OpenSym 2014) is the premier conference on open collaboration research and practice, including wikis and social media, Wikipedia, free, libre, and open source software, open data, open access, and IT-driven open innovation research. OpenSym is the first conference series to bring together the different strands of open collaboration researchers and practitioners, seeking to create synergies and inspire new collaboration between computer scientists, social scientists, legal scholars, and everyone interested in understanding open collaboration and how it is changing the world. OpenSym 2014 will be held in Berlin, Germany, on August 27-29, 2014. OpenSym is held in-cooperation with ACM SIGWEB and ACM SIGSOFT. The conference proceedings will be archived in the ACM digital library like all prior editions. Research paper submission deadline: May 4th, 2014 (changed from April 20th to evade Easter celebrations/vacation).

Call for Submissions to IT-driven Open Innovation Research Track

Open innovation expands the scope of research and development activities beyond the boundaries of single company structures and turns the participants into proactive and self-organized contributors. While most open innovation activities do not require extensive management control and guidance, they strongly rely on a functional infrastructure and powerful tools for data exchange, communication and cooperation in order to proceed efficiently and to generate valuable results. Information technology therefore plays a decisive role for open innovation. There can hardly be doubt that recent developments in information technology such as social media have hugely contributed to the enormous popularity of open innovation. Nevertheless, scientific insight into this dynamic is still rather limited. This opens up a wide field of research in computer science, information systems and adjacent disciplines, including topics such as:

  • Architecture and design of open innovation systems
  • The role of IT-artifacts in open and collaborative innovation activities
  • Implementation of open innovation platforms in corporate IT landscapes
  • Value generation through IT in open innovation
  • Technical drivers and restrainers for open innovation
  • Open innovation and mobile devices
  • Open innovation & network infrastructure, bandwidths and protocols
  • Theoretical frameworks of open innovation as an information processing activity
  • Open innovation and problem solving
  • Multimedia communication and collaboration
  • User interfaces and visualization in open innovation
  • Open innovation and big data
  • IT security, intellectual property and personal anonymity in open innovation
  • Open innovation and software development
  • and many more

Submission Information and Instructions

The following types of submissions are invited:

  • Long research papers (5 to 10 pages)
  • Short research papers (1 to 4 pages)
  • Research-in-progress presentations (1 to 10 pages)
  • Research posters (1 to 2 pages)

Research papers present integrative reviews or original reports of substantive new theoretical or empirical work. Research papers will be reviewed by the research track program committee to meet rigorous academic standards of publication. Papers will be reviewed for relevance, conceptual quality, innovation and clarity of presentation. They must be written in English. At least one author of accepted papers is required to attend the conference in order to present the paper. Research-in-progress presentations present integrative reviews or original reports of substantive new theoretical or empirical work. This is a new format is specifically aimed at social science researchers enabling those researchers to use OpenSym 2014 as a pre-publication venue before journal publication. Only the abstracts of these papers will be published as part of the proceedings thus leaving open the opportunity for journal publication at a later date. Research presentations will be reviewed by the research track program committee to meet rigorous academic standards just like research papers. Research posters enable researchers to present late-breaking research results, significant research work in progress, or research work that is best communicated in conversation. OpenSym’s lively poster sessions let conference attendees exchange ideas one-on-one with authors, and let authors discuss their work in detail with those attendees most deeply interested in the topic. Successful applicants will display their posters, up to 1x2m in size, at a special session during the event. The OpenSym website provides more information about the available paper types. Submissions for experience reports (long and short), tutorials, workshops, panels, non-research posters, and demos are also sought but are handled through the community track, please see the community track call for submissions. Submissions to OpenSym’s Doctoral Symposium are sought but are handled separately, please see the doctoral symposium call for submissions. Submissions should follow the standard ACM SIG proceedings format. All papers must conform at time of submission to the formatting instructions and must not exceed the page limits, including all text, references, appendices and figures. All submissions must in PDF format. All papers and posters should be submitted electronically through EasyChair using the following URL:

Submission and Notification Deadlines

  • Submission: May 4th (in the local timezone of the submitter)
  • Notification to authors: June 15th, 2014
  • Camera-ready: July 15th, 2014

As long as it is May 4th somewhere on earth, your submission will be accepted.

Research Track Chair

Kathrin M. Möslein, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg

Research Track Committee

Alexander Richter, University of Zurich
Celine Abecassis Moedas, Universidade Catolica Portuguesa Lisbon
Christian Forster, Fraunhofer IIS
Hartwig Rüll, Peter Pribilla Foundation
Marcel Bogers, University of Southern Denmark
Martin Wiener, Stockholm School of Economics
Michael Koch, Bundeswehr University Munich
Mohamed Zaki, University of Cambridge
Pascal LeMasson, Ecole des Mines Paris
Sara Poggesi, University of Rome Tor Vergata
Tobias Fredberg, Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg