The Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration (WikiSym '09)
Invited Talks
Opening Keynote
Closing Keynote
Research Papers
Session: Learning and Social Context
Session: Visualization
Session: Understanding Wikipedia
- 107. Herding the Cats: The Influence of Groups in Coordinating Peer Production? by Aniket Kittur, Bryan Pendleton, and Robert E. Kraut (Carnegie Mellon University) (USA) - PDF
- 108. The Singularity is Not Near: Slowing Growth of Wikipedia by Bongwon Suh, Gregorio Convertino, Ed H. Chi, and Peter Pirolli (Palo Alto Research Center) (USA) - PDF
Session: Programming and Analysis Tools
Session: Interface Tools
Session: Quality and Credibility
- 115. A Jury of Your Peers: Quality, Experience and Ownership in Wikipedia? by Aaron Halfaker (University of Minnesota), Aniket Kittur (Carnegie Mellon University, CMU), Robert Kraut (CMU), and John Riedl (University of Minnesota) (USA) - PDF
- 116. Assessing the Quality of Wikipedia Articles with Lifecycle Based Metrics by Thomas Wohner and Ralf Peters (Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg) (Germany) - PDF
Short Research Papers
Session: Quality and Credibility
Session: Understanding Wikipedia
Experience Reports
Session: Learning and Social Context
- 119. Wiki for Law Firms by Urs Egli (Egli Partners Attorneys-at-Law, Zurich, Switzerland) and Peter Sommerlad (HSR Hochschule für Technik, Rapperswil, Switzerland) - PDF
- 145. knowIT, a Semantic Informatics Knowledge Management System? by Laurent Alquier, Keith McCormick, and Ed Jaeger (Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development, LLC) (USA) - PDF
- 120. Visualizing Intellectual Connections among Philosophers Using the Hyperlink & Semantic Data from Wikipedia? by Sofia J. Athenikos and Xia Lin (Drexel University) (USA) - PDF
- 121. Cosmos: A Wiki Data Management System? by Qinyi Wu, Calton Pu and Danesh Irani (Georgia Institute of Technology) (USA) - PDF
- 122. WiSyMon: Managing Systems Monitoring Information in Semantic Wikis? by Frank Kleiner, Andreas Abecker and Sven F. Brinkmann (FZI Research Center for Information Technology) (Germany) - PDF
- 123. Wikis to Support Collaborative Web Spaces to Promote Youth Well-being? by Shahper Vodanovich, Max Rohde, Ching-shen Dong and David Sundaram (University of Auckland) (New Zealand) - PDF
- 124. Wikipublisher: A Print-on-Demand Wiki? by John Rankin (Affinity Limited), Craig Anslow, James Noble, Brenda Chawner, Donald Gordon (Victoria University of Wellington) (New Zealand) - PDF
- 125. DynaTable: A Wiki Extension for Structured Data by Carrie Arnold, Todd Fleming, David Largent, Chris Lüer (Ball State University) (USA) - PDF
- 126. Leveraging Crowdsourcing Heuristics to Improve Search in Wikipedia? by Yasser Ganjisaffar, Sara Javanmardi and Cristina Lopes (University of California, Irvine) (USA) - PDF
- 127. Evaluating the Trustworthiness of Wikipedia Articles through Quality and Credibility? by Sai T. Moturu and Huan Liu (Arizona State University) (USA) - PDF
- 128. Comparison of Middle School, High School and Community College Students' Wiki Activity in Globaloria-West Virginia (Pilot Year-Two)? by Rebecca Reynolds (Syracuse University) and Idit Harel Caperton (World Wide Workshop Foundation) (USA) - PDF
- 129. The Social Roles of Bots and Assisted Editing Programs? by R. Stuart Geiger (Georgetown University) (USA) - PDF
- 130. Incremental Knowledge Acquisition in Software Development Using a Weakly-Typed Wiki by Filipe F. Correia, Hugo S. Ferreira, Nuno Flores and Ademar Aguiar (Universidade do Porto) (Portugal) - PDF
- 131. Pre-service Teachers' Experiences with Wiki: Challenges of Asynchronous Collaboration? by Diler Öner (Bogazici University) (Turkey) - PDF
- 132. Increasing the Accuracy of Wiki Searches Using Semantic Knowledge Engine and Semantic Archivist? by Gretchen Lowerison and Michael Lowerison (Coreidea Innovation Inc.) (Canada) - PDF
- 133. Collective Intelligence Approach for Formulating a BOK of Social Informatics, an Interdisciplinary Field of Study? by Yoshifumi Masunaga, Yoshiyuki Shoji, Kazunari Ito (Aoyama Gakuin University) (Japan) - PDF
- 134. Understanding Information Sharing in Software Development through Wiki Log Analysis? by Ammy Jiranida Phuwanartnurak and David G. Hendry (University of Washington) (USA) - PDF
- 136. Why Wikis Work by Christoph Schneider (City University of Hong Kong) (China) - PDF
- 137. The Value of Corporate Wikis? by Lakshmi Goel (University of North Florida) and Iris Junglas (University of Houston) (USA) - PDF
- 138. Wikis for Software Engineering? by Ademar Aguiar (Universidade do Porto) (Portugal) - PDF
- 139. Measuring Wikipedia by Luca De Alfaro (University of California, Santa Cruz) (USA) and Felipe Ortega (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos) (Spain) - PDF
- 140. Wikis for Software Engineering? by Ademar Aguiar (Universidade do Porto) (Portugal) - PDF
- 141. Wiki Entrepreneurship? by Stewart Mader (Independent) (USA) - PDF
- 142. 3DWiki: The 3D Wiki Engine by Jacek Jankowski, Marek Jozwowicz, Yolanda Cobos, Bill McDaniel, Stefan Decker (National University of Ireland) (Ireland) - PDF
- 143. ProveIt: A New Tool for Supporting Citation in MediaWiki? by Kurt Luther, Matthew Flaschen, Andrea Forte, Christopher Jordan, Amy Bruckman (Georgia Institute of Technology) (USA) - PDF
- 144. Suffr: Democratic Control of Computing Infrastructure by Kirk Zurell (Independent) (Canada) - PDF