History: About WikiSym
Source of version: 6
WikiSym is a symposium (conference) series dedicated to wiki and open collaboration research and practice. It is backed by a [http://www.wikisym.org/organization/|U.S.-based 501(c)3 tax exempt organization]. Get on the low traffic [http://www.wikisym.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/|wikisym-announce mailing list] and [http://www.twitter.com/wikisym|follow us on Twitter] to stay up-to-date on the events.
A wiki is a website-based collaboration tool and content management system where everyone with access to the website can read, edit, and organize the contents, usually through a simple browser interface. The technology is so flexible, however, that wikis are being used for almost any conceivable purpose.
* If you wonder about the __significance of wikis for societal progress__, you need to look no further than Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia, which tries to provide the knowledge of the world to everyone, without borders, without limits.
* If you wonder about the __significance of wikis for commerce and enterprises__, we like to cite Shashi Seth, Sr. Product Manager at Google: “This company runs on wikis.” (A statement made at WikiSym 2005.) Shashi is refering to GooWiki and Sparrow.
A wiki is a website-based collaboration tool and content management system where everyone with access to the website can read, edit, and organize the contents, usually through a simple browser interface. The technology is so flexible, however, that wikis are being used for almost any conceivable purpose.
* If you wonder about the __significance of wikis for societal progress__, you need to look no further than Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia, which tries to provide the knowledge of the world to everyone, without borders, without limits.
* If you wonder about the __significance of wikis for commerce and enterprises__, we like to cite Shashi Seth, Sr. Product Manager at Google: “This company runs on wikis.” (A statement made at WikiSym 2005.) Shashi is refering to GooWiki and Sparrow.