History: Accommodation

Source of version: 13

__COMING SOON: Information on reserving rooms through the conference__
{maketoc title="Accommodation" showhide=y}
Please see below for information about hotels, hostels, and WikiHouses.

!Map of accommodation options
<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&amp;hl=en&amp;msa=0&amp;msid=100096172418245604551.00047e177e8deb5e5474b&amp;ll=54.347665,18.65279&amp;spn=0.008167,0.01929&amp;output=embed"></iframe><br /><small>View <a href="http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&amp;hl=en&amp;msa=0&amp;msid=100096172418245604551.00047e177e8deb5e5474b&amp;ll=54.347665,18.65279&amp;spn=0.008167,0.01929&amp;source=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">WikiSym Gdańsk</a> in a larger map</small>

!Nearby hotels
!!Small hotels

* ''Dom Muzyka Hotel''
** [http://www.dom-muzyka.pl/|Website]

* ''Willa Biała Lilia (White Lily Hotel)''
** ''Address:'' 80-750 Gdańsk, Spichrzowa 16, tel: +48 58 301-70-74
** [http://www.bialalilia.pl/en|Website]

* ''Hotel Podewils'' (*****)
** ''Address:'' 80-755 Gdańsk, Szafarnia 2, tel: +48 58 300-95-60
** [http://www.podewils.pl/|Website]

* ''Hotel Gdansk'' (****)
** ''Address:'' 80-755 Gdańsk, Szafarnia 9, tel. +48 58 300-17-17
** [http://www.hotelgdansk.com.pl/|Website]

!!Larger hotels

* ''Novotel''
** ''Address:'' 80-749 Gdańsk, ul. Pszenna 1, tel: +48 58 300-27-50
** [http://www.accorhotels.com/gb/hotel-0523-novotel-gdansk-centrum/index.shtml|Website]

* ''Radisson Blu''
** [http://www.radissonblu.com/hotel-gdansk|Website]

* ''Qubus Hotel''
** [http://www.qubushotel.com/|Website]
!Nearby hostels
For the budget-conscious, Gdansk has a wide range of student dormitory and hostel accommodation.


* [http://www.ssm.gda.pl/index3.php?lang=pl&par=filia1|Szkolne Schronisko Młodzieżowe nr 1 Wałowa]'''
**''Address:'' ul. Wałowa 31, 80-858 Gdańsk, tel/fax: (+48) 58-301-23-13 [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=pl&geocode=&q=Wa%C5%82owa+21,+80-858+Gda%C5%84sk&sll=54.347277,18.647661&sspn=0.011857,0.042615&ie=UTF8&ll=54.358382,18.648047&spn=0.012304,0.042615&z=15&iwloc=addr|Google Map]
**''Distance from the conference venue:'' ca. 15 minutes on foot
**''Beds:'' 96 (1 single, 5 doubles, 3 rooms for three, 1 room for four, 1 room for five, 3 rooms for six, 1 room for seven, 4 rooms for eight)
**''Price:'' PLN 14.00|27.00 for students and teachers, PLN 18.00|31.00 for others, + additional costs - bedsheets, luggage keep, etc.

*[http://www.bursa.gda.pl|Bursa Gdańska]
**''Address:'' Podwale Staromiejskie 51/52, 80-845 Gdańsk, te;. +48 58 301 36 64 [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=pl&geocode=&q=Podwale+Staromiejskie+51%2F52,+80-845+Gda%C5%84sk&sll=54.358382,18.648047&sspn=0.012304,0.042615&ie=UTF8&ll=54.35403,18.657103&spn=0.012305,0.042615&z=15&iwloc=addr|Google map]
**''Distance from the conference venue:'' ca. 15 minutes on foot
**''Beds:'' 100 in rooms for three and four
**''Price:'' PLN 20/ night (PLN 40/ night for a room with a bathroom and TV) for teachers and students, extra PLN 5/ night for the others

*[http://www.bursa.gda.pl|Bursa Gdańska]
**''Address:'' ul. Lastadia 41, 80-880 Gdańsk, tel. +48 58 305 41 14 [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=pl&geocode=&q=ul.+Lastadia+41,+80-880+Gda%C5%84sk&sll=54.35403,18.657103&sspn=0.012305,0.042615&ie=UTF8&ll=54.350954,18.656802&spn=0.012306,0.042615&z=15&iwloc=addr|Google map]
**''Distance from the conference venue:'' ca. 15 minutes on foot
**''Beds:'' unknown, rooms for three and four

*[http://www.hostel.hnet.pl/|Old Town Hostel]
**''Address:'' Długa Grobla 7, 80-754 Gdańsk, tel. +48 58 351 31 31 [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=pl&geocode=&q=D%C5%82uga+Grobla+7,+80-754+Gda%C5%84sk&sll=54.350954,18.656802&sspn=0.012306,0.042615&ie=UTF8&ll=54.349278,18.668432&spn=0.011856,0.042615&z=15&iwloc=addr|Google map]
**''Distance from the conference venue:'' ca. 10 minutes on foot
**''Beds:'' 36 = 1 double (with one bed), 2 rooms for four, 3 rooms for six, 1 room for eight
**''Price:'' PLN 40/ night, including breakfast, PLN 140/ night for the double, including breakfast

* [http://www.baltichostel.com.pl/|Baltic Hostel]
**''Address:'' 3 Maja 25, 80-802 Gdańsk, tel. +48 58 721 96 57 [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=pl&geocode=&q=3+Maja+25,+80-802+Gda%C5%84sk&sll=54.349278,18.668432&sspn=0.011856,0.042615&ie=UTF8&ll=54.358432,18.657317&spn=0.012304,0.042615&z=15&iwloc=addr|Google map]
**''Distance from the conference venue:'' ca. 20 minutes on foot
**''Beds:'' ca. 100
**''Price:'' PLN 40/ night, including breakfast

* [http://www.gdanskhostel.com.pl/|Gdansk Hostel]
**''Address:'' Grodzka 21, 80-841 Gdańsk, tel. +48 58 301 56 27 [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=pl&geocode=&q=Grodzka+21,+80-841+Gda%C5%84sk&sll=54.358607,18.65633&sspn=0.012304,0.042615&ie=UTF8&ll=54.354205,18.658304&spn=0.011855,0.042615&z=15&iwloc=addr|Google map]
**''Distance from the conference venue:'' ca. 10 minutes on foot
**''Beds:'' ca. 40
**''Price:'' PLN 55/170PLN / night
The closest student dorms are:

* ''Dom Studencki Nr 2 Akademii Muzycznej''
** ''Address:'' ul. Łąkowa 1/2, 80-743 Gdańsk, tel. +48 58 300 92 60 [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=pl&geocode=&q=%C5%81%C4%85kowa+1%2F2+Gda%C5%84sk&sll=54.361125,18.627532&sspn=0.012303,0.042615&ie=UTF8&z=15&iwloc=addr|Google map]
** ''Distance from the conference venue:'' onsite
** ''Beds:'' 136 (10 singles, 18 doubles, 30 rooms for three)

*''Dom Studencki Nr 1 Akademii Muzycznej'''
**''Address:'' plac Wałowy 15a, 80-821 Gdańsk, tel. +48 58 301 79 23 [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=pl&geocode=&q=Plac+Wa%C5%82owy+15+Gda%C5%84sk&sll=54.361125,18.627532&sspn=0.012303,0.042615&ie=UTF8&z=15&iwloc=addr|Google map]
**''Distance from the conference venue:'' ca. 15 min on foot
**''Beds:'' 70 (7 singles, 12 doubles, 9 rooms for three, 4 rooms for four)

*''Dom Studencki Akademii Sztuk Pięknych'''
**''Address:'' ul. Chlebnicka 13/16, 80-830 Gdańsk, tel. +48 58 301 28 16 [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=pl&geocode=&q=Chlebnicka+13%2F16+Gda%C5%84sk&sll=54.345114,18.662882&sspn=0.012308,0.042615&ie=UTF8&ll=54.348103,18.661566&spn=0.012307,0.042615&z=15&iwloc=addr|Google map]
**''Distance from the conference venue:'' ca. 10 minutes on foot
**''Beds:'' unknown, the place has 10 guest suites among other rooms
**''Price:'' PLN 64.20/ night

*''Dom Studencki Nr 6 Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego'''
**''Address:'' ul. Podwale Przedmiejskie 20, 80-824 Gdańsk, tel. +48 58 523 62 18, +48 58 523 62 19 [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=pl&geocode=&q=Podwale+Przedmiejskie+20,+80-824+Gda%C5%84sk&sll=54.348103,18.661566&sspn=0.012307,0.042615&ie=UTF8&ll=54.347277,18.647661&spn=0.011857,0.042615&z=15&iwloc=addr|Google map]
**''Distance from the conference venue:'' ca. 15 minutes on foot
**''Beds:'' single and double rooms, number unknown
**''Price:'' from PLN 60/ night up


Past WikiSyms have featured __Wikihouses__, house rentals that conference members have organized so that WikiSym attendees can stay together. If any attendees want to organize a ((WikiHouse)), please do so!


Legend: v=view, s=source
Date UserEdit Comment Version Action
Thu 20 of May, 2010 17:22 EDT psayers [rollback version 26] 28
 v  s
Thu 20 of May, 2010 17:22 EDT psayers   26  v  s  
Wed 21 of Apr., 2010 13:48 EDT psayers style 24  v  s  
Wed 21 of Apr., 2010 13:47 EDT psayers   23  v  s  
Wed 21 of Apr., 2010 13:46 EDT psayers fix email 22  v  s  
Tue 20 of Apr., 2010 01:05 EDT psayers   21  v  s  
Tue 20 of Apr., 2010 00:42 EDT psayers + 20  v  s  
Tue 20 of Apr., 2010 00:35 EDT psayers ++ 19  v  s  
Mon 19 of Apr., 2010 19:49 EDT psayers   18  v  s  
Mon 19 of Apr., 2010 19:31 EDT psayers fmt 17  v  s  
Mon 19 of Apr., 2010 19:30 EDT psayers   16  v  s  
Mon 19 of Apr., 2010 19:29 EDT psayers ++ 15  v  s  
Mon 19 of Apr., 2010 19:24 EDT psayers + dom muzyka 14  v  s  
Wed 27 of Jan., 2010 00:14 EST psayers fmt hostels 13  v  s  
Tue 26 of Jan., 2010 23:19 EST psayers hostels 12  v  s  
Tue 26 of Jan., 2010 23:07 EST psayers toc & fmt 11  v  s  
Tue 26 of Jan., 2010 22:39 EST psayers intro 10  v  s  
Tue 26 of Jan., 2010 22:25 EST psayers Wikihouse 9  v  s  
Tue 26 of Jan., 2010 22:09 EST psayers addresses 8  v  s  
Tue 26 of Jan., 2010 21:59 EST psayers map 7  v  s  
Tue 26 of Jan., 2010 19:07 EST psayers fmt 6  v  s  
Tue 26 of Jan., 2010 19:06 EST psayers ++ hotels 5  v  s  
Tue 26 of Jan., 2010 19:00 EST psayers   3  v  s  
Tue 26 of Jan., 2010 18:58 EST psayers dorms 2  v  s  
Sun 10 of Jan., 2010 14:46 EST psayers   1  v  s