History: Collaborative Modeling with Semantic MediaWiki

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Collaborative Modeling with Semantic MediaWiki

Track: Posters
Authors: Frank Dengler (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) and Hans-Jörg Happel (FZI Research Center for Information Technologies, Germany)

Modeling is an important aspect of information system development, allowing for abstract descriptions of systems and processes. Therefore, models are often characterized as communication artifacts between different stakeholders in a development process. However, modeling as such has turned out to be a specialist activity, requiring skills in arcane modeling languages and complex tools. In this paper, we suggest and present an approach for collaborative, Wiki-based modeling of process models and UML (class-)diagrams. While other web-based “lightweight” modeling tools are available, our approach consequently follows the Wiki-paradigm and allows us to semantically process the modeled information building upon Semantic MediaWiki.


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Date UserEdit Comment Version Action
Sat 12 of June, 2010 04:06 EDT felipe Title, authors and abstract 1
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