History: Invited speakers

Source of version: 1

!Invited Speakers
!!Cliff Lampe

Cliff Lampe joined the faculty of Michigan State University in August of 2005 from the University of Michigan's School of Information.

His research focuses on patterns of interaction in large scale online environments, as well as more generally how large groups use information and communication technologies to coordinate their activities. His research covers recommender and reputation systems, social capital, online journalism,
and online communities for good. The online communities he has worked with most are Slashdot, Everything2, and Facebook.

He recently received grants to study Life Cycles of Participation in Online Communities and Connecting Rural Youth And Rural Enterprise To The Information Economy.

More information here: https://www.msu.edu/~lampecli/


Legend: v=view, s=source
Date UserEdit Comment Version Action
Mon 14 of June, 2010 15:07 EDT psayers [rollback version 19] 21
 v  s
Sat 12 of Mar., 2011 05:09 EST ChuckReffuge   20  v  s  
Mon 14 of June, 2010 15:07 EDT psayers   19  v  s  
Mon 14 of June, 2010 15:04 EDT psayers   18  v  s  
Mon 14 of June, 2010 15:00 EDT psayers fmt 17  v  s  
Mon 14 of June, 2010 14:58 EDT psayers +photo 16  v  s  
Mon 14 of June, 2010 14:50 EDT psayers abstract 15  v  s  
Thu 10 of June, 2010 19:34 EDT psayers   14  v  s  
Thu 10 of June, 2010 18:50 EDT psayers + bio 13  v  s  
Thu 27 of May, 2010 18:04 EDT psayers   12  v  s  
Thu 27 of May, 2010 18:03 EDT psayers   11  v  s  
Fri 05 of Mar., 2010 05:58 EST felipe   10  v  s  
Thu 04 of Mar., 2010 15:47 EST psayers   9  v  s  
Thu 04 of Mar., 2010 15:46 EST psayers keynote 8  v  s  
Thu 04 of Mar., 2010 12:28 EST psayers Plugin modified by editor. 7  v  s  
Thu 04 of Mar., 2010 12:28 EST psayers Plugin modified by editor. 6  v  s  
Thu 04 of Mar., 2010 12:28 EST psayers Plugin modified by editor. 5  v  s  
Thu 04 of Mar., 2010 12:27 EST psayers Plugin modified by editor. 4  v  s  
Thu 04 of Mar., 2010 12:27 EST psayers   3  v  s  
Thu 04 of Mar., 2010 12:25 EST psayers new bio 2  v  s  
Sun 28 of Feb., 2010 15:10 EST psayers + bio 1  v  s