History: Program by tracks

Preview of version: 14

Summary at glance

Wiki Track

Industry Track

Industry Track discussion

There is a two-hour discussion session scheduled for Thursday, July 8. This will be an open discussion about topics related to industry and open collaboration.

What do I mean by Industry?

Focused on the specific needs of enterprises and private companies interested in sharing and promoting their experiences around wikis and open collaboration projects/products/initiatives.


How are the needs of enterprise different to those of academia and wikipedia?

  • Assumption of strong user identity,
  • Unity of purpose (for the good of the organization)
  • That individuals are willing to share, if culture is right, (need rewards)
  • Planning needs
  • Operational needs
  • Documentation needs
    • Semantics, Summarization, BPMS, Adaptive Case Management
  • Regulation/compliance,
  • Workflow Process and Systems Integration
  • Security (and Information Hiding)

Where does a wiki enable new strategic capabilities for Firms?

From the Mundane to the Strategic
  • Onboarding
    • Teaching newcomers what they need
    • Teaching the firm what newcomers need and what they can contribute
  • Interteam Collaborating
    • Blending the Disciplines of different practitioners
    • Awareness of capabilties, interests, aspirations of coworkers
  • Organizational Agility (the ability to mobilize the forces of the company to respond to economic opportunity)

What needs to be done to get acceptance of a wiki into a firm?

  • Concept
    • Defined
    • Which stakeholders care
  • Team
    • Defined
    • Which stakeholders care
  • Problem
    • Defined
    • Which stakeholders care
  • Technology
    • Defined
    • Which stakeholders care

Which wikis fit well

  • Enterprise security
  • Enterprise standards

Where do wikis fit among other products used?

  • Content Creation
  • Survival among CMS, (and boring things like Records Management, Retention Management)


Add your name if you are interested in this session

Open Collaboration Track




Doctoral Symposium


Legend: v=view, s=source
Date UserEdit Comment Version Action
Sat 12 of June, 2010 05:17 EDT felipe   16
 v  s
Sat 12 of June, 2010 05:16 EDT felipe   15  v  s  
Sat 12 of June, 2010 05:16 EDT felipe   14  v  s  
Sat 12 of June, 2010 05:15 EDT felipe   13  v  s  
Sat 12 of June, 2010 05:09 EDT felipe transcluding main tracks 12  v  s  
Sat 12 of June, 2010 04:57 EDT felipe   11  v  s  
Sat 12 of June, 2010 04:56 EDT felipe Including summary 10  v  s  
Sat 12 of June, 2010 04:54 EDT felipe   9  v  s  
Sat 12 of June, 2010 04:53 EDT felipe   8  v  s  
Sat 12 of June, 2010 04:51 EDT felipe Transcluding posters track 7  v  s  
Sat 12 of June, 2010 03:48 EDT felipe   6  v  s  
Fri 11 of June, 2010 23:04 EDT felipe   5  v  s  
Fri 11 of June, 2010 22:40 EDT felipe 2 posters remained 4  v  s  
Fri 11 of June, 2010 06:19 EDT felipe Complete list of Posters 3  v  s  
Tue 18 of May, 2010 06:30 EDT felipe   2  v  s  
Tue 18 of May, 2010 06:29 EDT felipe List of submissions by track 1  v  s