History: UserPagedllargent

Source of version: 2 (current)

!David L. Largent
!![http://www.bsu.edu|Ball State University]
!!!Muncie, Indiana USA

Dave is an information technology professional with 30 years experience in systems analysis, programming, database design, teaching, overall business operations, and managing an information technology department in a medium sized (1800 employee) company.

Always interested in learning more, he is nearing completion of a Master's of Science in Computer Science degree, while serving as an Instructor and Graduate Teaching Assistant at Ball State University.


Legend: v=view, s=source
Date UserEdit Comment Version Action
Wed 09 of Sep., 2009 16:09 EDT dllargent   2
 v  s
Mon 07 of Sep., 2009 12:12 EDT dllargent   1  v  s