History: What Did They Do

Source of version: 1

!What Did They Do? Deriving High-Level Edit Histories in Wikis
__Track__: Wiki Track
__Authors__: Peter Kin-Fong Fong and Robert P. Biuk-Aghai

Wikis have become a popular online collaboration platform. Their open nature can, and indeed does, lead to a large number of editors of their articles, who create a large number of revisions. These editors make various types of edits on an article, from minor ones such as spelling correction and text formatting, to major revisions such as new content introduction, whole article re-structuring, etc. Given the enormous number of revisions, it is difficult to identify the type of contributions made in these revisions through human observation alone. Moreover, different types of edits imply different edit significance. A revision that introduces new content is arguably more significant than a
revision making a few spelling corrections. By taking edit types into account, better measurements of edit significance can be produced. This paper proposes a method for categorizing and presenting edits in an intuitive way and with a flexible measure of significance of each individual editor’s contributions.


Legend: v=view, s=source
Date UserEdit Comment Version Action
Thu 08 of July, 2010 17:02 EDT robertb   4
 v  s
Wed 07 of July, 2010 17:44 EDT robertb   3  v  s  
Wed 07 of July, 2010 09:32 EDT jschneider linking to code 2  v  s  
Tue 01 of June, 2010 15:20 EDT felipe Track authors and abstract 1  v  s