History: Wiki and programming
Source of version: 6 (current)
Wiki and programming
Thursday 9:00
How can we combine wiki and programming? For example
<python>print("hello, world")</python>
__What happened__
Some of the topics discussed were:
* Who writes? Skill Level (expert, end user)
* Where do they write? In the wiki code, in plugins, in an administrator interface (wordpress)
* Runtime context? Run within the wiki, decoupled, application server. Server load/runaway code, security issues.
* What language do they write in? The language of the wiki? General purpose language versus domain specific language
* Access to wiki functionality: Rights of user, data, programming rights, external content.
Concrete elements mentioned:
* OSGi, a standard
* Apache Felix.
* Eclipse Equinoxe
* Bean Scripting Framework (BSF)
* Xwiki embedded programming. Velosity
* Running perl via perlsafe module and tainted mode
* Embedding via iframe.
* Foswiki
* Avoiding <python>print(open('/etc/password').read() )</python>
* Finn Ã…rup Nielsen (Convener)
* Martin Cleaver (Convener)
* Dirk Riehle
* Andreas Jonsson
* ...
Wiki and programming
Thursday 9:00
How can we combine wiki and programming? For example
<python>print("hello, world")</python>
__What happened__
Some of the topics discussed were:
* Who writes? Skill Level (expert, end user)
* Where do they write? In the wiki code, in plugins, in an administrator interface (wordpress)
* Runtime context? Run within the wiki, decoupled, application server. Server load/runaway code, security issues.
* What language do they write in? The language of the wiki? General purpose language versus domain specific language
* Access to wiki functionality: Rights of user, data, programming rights, external content.
Concrete elements mentioned:
* OSGi, a standard
* Apache Felix.
* Eclipse Equinoxe
* Bean Scripting Framework (BSF)
* Xwiki embedded programming. Velosity
* Running perl via perlsafe module and tainted mode
* Embedding via iframe.
* Foswiki
* Avoiding <python>print(open('/etc/password').read() )</python>
* Finn Ã…rup Nielsen (Convener)
* Martin Cleaver (Convener)
* Dirk Riehle
* Andreas Jonsson
* ...