The Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration (WikiSym '10)
The proceedings of the symposium including PDFs will be made available here and can be found at the
ACM Digital Library
Alternatively, you can download the complete WikiSym 2010 proceedings as a
ZIP file, or using the links for the specific session/paper you're interested in.
Past proceedings
WikiSym 2010 proceedings
Front matter
- Front matter (SC, PC, table of content, keynotes...): PDF
Research papers
Session 1: Understanding Wikipedia
Session 2: Human Wiki Interaction
Session 3: Wiki organization, management and sustainability
Session 4: Open collaboration
Short research papers
Session 1: Understanding Wikipedia
Session 2: Human-Wiki interaction
- p14: A fielded wiki for personality genetics by Finn Årup Nielsen (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark). PDF
- p16: Quality Check with DokuWiki for instant user feedback by Andreas Gohr (CosmoCode GmbH, Germany), Detlef Hüttemann (CosmoCode GmbH, Germany), Daniel Faust (Fraunhofer ISST), Frank Fuchs-Kittowski (HTW Berlin, Germany). PDF
- p24: Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Wikipedia Metadata and the STiki Anti-Vandalism Tool by Andrew West, Sampath Kannan and Insup Lee (University of Pennsylvania, USA), POSTER
- p25: A Method for Category Similarity Calculation in Wikis by Cheong-Iao Pang and Robert P. Biuk-Aghai (University of Macau, Macao) PDF
- p26: Zawilinski : a library for studying grammar in Wiktionary, by Zachary Kurmas (Grand Valley State University, USA) PDF
- p28: Search on enterprise Wiki by Natalya Angapova (Yandex, Russian Federation) PDF
- p29: Chatting in the Wiki: Synchronous-Asynchronous Integration by Robert P. Biuk-Aghai and Keng Hong Lei, (University of Macau, Macao) PDF
- p32: Collaborative Modeling with Semantic MediaWiki by Frank Dengler (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) and Hans-Jörg Happel (FZI Research Center for Information Technologies, Germany). PDF
- p33: Wikipedia and the Two-Faced Professoriate by Patricia L. Dooley (Elliott School of Communication, USA). PDF
- p34: Encouraging Language Students to Contribute Inflection Data to Wiktionary by Zachary Kurmas (Grand Valley State University, USA). PDF
- p35: "What I Know Is...": Establishing Credibility on Wikipedia Talk Pages by Meghan Oxley, Jonathan T. Morgan, Mark Zachry and Brian Hutchinson (University of Washington, USA) PDF
- p37: Learning about team collaboration from Wikipedia edit history by Piotr Turek (PJIIT, Poland), Radosław Nielek (PJIIT, Poland) and Adam Wierzbicki (Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology, Poland). PDF
- p38: The n00b Wikipedia Editing Experience by Parul Vora, Naoko Komura and Stanton Usability Team (Wikimedia Foundation, USA). PDF
Workshops & panels
Back matter
WikiSym 2010 back matter (index of authors).