Author: Dirk Riehle

  • Inner Source: Coming to a Company Near You Soon!

    OpenSym 2014 is proud to announce one of the conference’s invited talks!

    Title: Inner Source: Coming to a Company Near You Soon!

    Speaker: Klaas-Jan Stol of Lero

    Abstract: The nature of software development has changed significantly over the last decade or so, driven by trends such as an increasing level of software outsourcing, distributed development and collaborative development models. One such model of collaborative and distributed development that has attracted significant attention in both industry and research communities is that of Open Source. Open Source development seems to defy traditional wisdom in software development — with a seeming absence of a predefined process, open source communities have produced high-quality and successful products. Increasingly, large organizations are looking to reproduce such emerging and collaborative development projects by adopting the open source development paradigm within their organizations. This phenomenon is labelled “Inner Source”. This talk will present the results of four years of research into Inner Source. Specifically, the talk will address questions such as why companies would want to adopt Inner Source and what factors are important when adopting Inner Source. The talk will draw from several industry cases of Inner Source.

    Biography: Dr Klaas-Jan Stol is a Research Fellow with Lero — the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre. He holds a PhD in software engineering from the University of Limerick and an MSc from the University of Groningen. His research interests include contemporary software development methods and strategies, including Inner Source, Open Source, crowdsourcing, and agile and lean methods, as well as research methodology and theory building in software engineering. In a previous life, he was a contributor to an Open Source project.

  • Wikidata: How We Brought Structured Data to Wikipedia

    OpenSym 2014 is proud to announce one of the conference’s invited talks!

    Title: Wikidata: How We Brought Structured Data to Wikipedia

    Speaker: Daniel Kinzler and Lydia Pintscher of Wikimedia e.V.

    Abstract: Over the last two years we have been developing Wikidata and build up a community around it. Wikidata is Wikimedia’s central repository for structured data. This is the place where data, like the number of inhabitants of a country, is stored and made accessible to humans and computers alike. The data is used across all 287 language editions of Wikipedia and its sister projects as well as in projects outside of Wikimedia. In this talk we will take a look at how we developed Wikidata, what great tools are being built on top of it and what is in store for the future.

    Biographies: Daniel Kinzler is the lead developer of the Wikidata project at Wikimedia Germany. He has been active on Wikipedia since 2004 and contributed to MediaWiki since 2005. He has a diploma in Informatics with a thesis about data extraction from Wikipedia.

    Lydia Pintscher studied computer science at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and is the product manager of Wikidata at Wikimedia Germany. She has been with the Wikidata project since its beginning and is passionate about all things Free Culture. In her other life she is a board member of KDE e.V. and editor of Open Advice.

  • On Influences Between Software Standards and Their Implementations in Open Source Projects: Experiences from RDFa and Its Implementation in Drupal

    Title: On Influences Between Software Standards and Their Implementations in Open Source Projects: Experiences from RDFa and Its Implementation in Drupal

    Authors: Björn Lundell (University of Skövde), Jonas Gamalielsson (University of Skövde), Alexander Grahn (University of Skövde), Jonas Feist (RedBridge AB), Tomas Gustavsson (PrimeKey Solutions AB), Henrik Strindberg (Findwise AB)

    Abstract: It is widely acknowledged that standards implemented in open source software can reduce the risk for lock-in, improve interoperability, and promote competition on the market. However, there is limited knowledge concerning the relationship between standards and their implementations in open source software. This paper reports from an investigation of influences between software standards and open source software implementations of software standards. The study focuses on the RDFa standard and its implementation in the Drupal project. Specifically, issues in the W3C issue trackers for RDFa and the Drupal issue tracker for RDFa have been analysed. Findings show that there is clear evidence of reciprocal action between RDFa and its implementation in Drupal. The study contributes novel insights concerning effective processes for development and long-term maintenance of software standards and their implementations in open source projects.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2014 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2014 proceedings on or after August 27, 2014.

  • How You Run a Meeting Says a Lot About Your Values: Participatory Practices for Open Communities

    OpenSym 2014 is proud to announce one of the conference’s invited talks!

    Title: How You Run a Meeting Says a Lot About Your Values: Participatory Practices for Open Communities

    Speaker: Laura Hilliger and Michelle Thorne, both of the Mozilla Foundation

    Abstract: Live events are some of the best ways to see the power dynamics and philosophical bent of a community. Many communities, open and closed, glorify sitting in a darkened room and being inspired by a sage on the stage. And then there are events about participation: making and learning with fellow participants around shared passions and interests. The session argues for the use of participatory methods at events as a way to manifest open values. We’ll unpack some techniques and case studies, as well as practice ourselves.

    Biography: Michelle Thorne is the Senior Director of Mozilla’s global Webmaker Mentor program. She trains communities of geeks, educators, makers and passionate people who want to help others learn not just to consume the web, but to make it. Through mentoring, live events and connectivist learning, she helps people level up their web literacies. Thorne embraces the spirit of “less yak, more hack” and believe that making drives learning and deeper participation. She organizes Mozilla’s largest public-facing event, the Mozilla Festival, which takes place in London. Previously, Thorne was the International Project Manager at Creative Commons, coordinating teams in over seventy countries (jurisdictions) worldwide to localize Creative Commons tools and to promote legal sharing and Free Culture. She co-organized the Free Culture Research Conference, an academic event dedicated to exploring the commons and hybrid economies.

  • Preliminary OpenSym 2014 Program Published!

    We just published the preliminary OpenSym 2014 program. For easy access, here is a link to an overview program spreadsheet. We are excited about the keynotes and invited talks, the research and practitioner contributions, and the open space track! Stay tuned in to this blog as we unveil the details of the program blog post by blog post, every day at 9am CET. See you in Berlin!

  • The Impact of Automatic Crash Reports on Bug Triaging and Development in Mozilla

    Title: The Impact of Automatic Crash Reports on Bug Triaging and Development in Mozilla

    Authors: Iftekhar Ahmed (Oregon State University), Nitin Mohan (Oregon State University), Carlos Jensen (Oregon State University)

    Abstract: Free/Open Source Software projects often rely on users submitting bug reports. However, reports submitted by novice users may lack information critical to developers, and the process may be intimidating and difficult. To gather more and better data, projects deploy automatic crash reporting tools, which capture stack traces and memory dumps when a crash occurs. These systems potentially generate large volumes of data, which may overwhelm developers, and their presence may discourage users from submitting traditional bug reports. In this paper, we examine Mozilla’s automatic crash reporting system and how it affects their bug triaging process. We find that fewer than 0.00009% of crash reports end up in a bug report, but as many as 2.33% of bug reports have data from crash reports added. Feedback from developers shows that despite some problems, these systems are valuable. We conclude with a discussion of the pros and cons of automatic crash reporting systems.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2014 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2014 proceedings on or after August 27, 2014.

  • Let’s Build the Road Network of Civic Tech

    OpenSym 2014 is proud to announce the conference’s opening keynote!

    Title: Let’s Build the Road Network of Civic Tech

    Speaker: Stef van Grieken of Google Inc.

    Abstract: Your awesome petition app is like a sports car without a freeway to drive on. Over the past several years we’ve built amazing civic apps that are improving public service delivery, engaging more citizens in the political process, and making governments more accountable around the world. But we’re rapidly approaching a point common to all new public technologies: the need for common infrastructure to enable massive scale. This talk will discuss three tenets of civic technology that will take us towards a common framework, and present research and examples of work doing this today. It’s time for developers, governments, corporations, academics, funders and citizens to come together and lay the groundwork for what’s next.

    Biography: Stef van Grieken studied Industrial Engineering and Philosophy and describes himself as “a tech-entrepreneur and a bit of a geek.” He currently works as a Technical Program Manager at Google. His goal is to promote civic innovation through technology. Before joining Google Stef founded the Dutch civic technology organization Open State Foundation. With projects such as Public, Hack the Government, and Apps for the Nederland he worked on increasing public accountability and transparency. Some of these projects were awarded with ‘Time Magazine Top Website of 2012’ and a ‘European Public Sector Award’.

  • Registration, Location, and Travel

    OpenSym 2014 opened registration! Please go here to register. Also, more information is available about the conference location as well as travel and accommodation. The program will be announced over the next few weeks but look forward to four fantastic keynotes/invited talks and a wonderful open collaboration research as well as community program!


  • Notification Deadline Heads-up

    Acceptance notifications will be sent out between June 7-15; please stay tuned!

  • Research Paper Submission Doors Closed, DocSym and Community Track Submissions Still Open

    OpenSym 2014 closed its research paper submission doors on May 4th with a record number of submissions. We are very happy about this and are looking forward to a strong technical program in Berlin on August 27-29, 2014.

    The Doctoral Symposium is still accepting submissions, and we also have left some room for a second round of Community Track paper submissions. Please see the respective pages for submission information.