Category: Short Research Papers

  • Open Concentration Index: Measure of Market Concentration in Open Source Industry

    Title: Open Concentration Index: Measure of Market Concentration in Open Source Industry

    Author: Dr Ir Robert Viseur (CETIC)

    Abstract: The market concentration is a measure of competition and, as such, is closely monitored by public competition authorities in the European Union or the United States. Among recent claims in Europe, we study the case of the mobile operating system Google Android, despite its open source quality and the fact it can as such be regarded as presenting no risk in terms of market dominance. In this research, we analyze the concept of market concentration. We suggest that when a dominant or significant participant is open, such as is the case for the Apache web server in the overall web server market, the negative effects of high concentration are mitigated. As such, a new market concentration metric is proposed that takes into account openness, as measured by the Open Governance Index of Liz Laffan. We thus combine a concentration index and a governance index described in literature to obtain Open Concentration Index suitable for open source context.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2016 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2016 proceedings on or after August 17, 2016.

  • A Framework for Open Assurance of Learning

    Title: A Framework for Open Assurance of Learning

    Authors: Gokul Bhandari and Maureen Gowing (Odette School of Business, University of Windsor)

    Abstract: Assurance of Learning (AOL) refers to the outcomes assessment process which involves the systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs undertaken for the purpose of improving student learning and development [8]. While emerging trends such as open education, open learning, learning analytics, academic analytics, and big data in education have recently become mainstream, studies regarding the design and development of open source analytics applications for AOL are non-existent. In this paper, we describe an application called AOL Analyzer that we developed for our business school last year to assist in the analysis of AOL results reported by faculty. To the best of our knowledge, this is a first paper to bridge the existing gap in
    AOL analytics research.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2016 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2016 proceedings on or after August 17, 2016.

  • User Generated Services during Software Introductions

    Title: User Generated Services during Software Introductions

    Authors: Martin Schymanietz and Nivedita Agarwal (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)

    Abstract: In this paper, we describe the lack of user participation and involvement during software introductions. Especially big projects with a volume larger than 10 million US$ are very likely to neglect important benchmarks like e.g. the budget or even completely fail. To fight these costly failures and support software introductions, we propose a service system that integrates the user into the software rollout. This service system consists of three service modules that are supported by components for feedback, communication, user incentives and motivation as well as. The service modules shall empower the users to give support and deliver tutorials or training to other users and furthermore establish a project specific platform which encourages a continuous improvement of the current software solution.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2016 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2016 proceedings on or after August 17, 2016.

  • Exploring the roles of external facilitators in IT-driven open strategizing

    Title: Exploring the roles of external facilitators in IT-driven open strategizing

    Authors: Josh Morton, Alex Wilson and Louise Cooke (Loughborough University; School of Business and Economics)

    Abstract: This paper examines the different roles external facilitators have in information technology driven open strategizing. Using a strategy-as-practice lens and drawing on two empirical cases of open strategy in organizations, our paper highlights four emerging roles of external facilitators which we call; structuring, promoting, moderating and analyzing. In concluding the paper we call for further research relating to external facilitators and open strategy.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2016 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2016 proceedings on or after August 17, 2016.

  • Comparing OSM Area-Boundary Data to DBpedia

    Title: Comparing OSM Area-Boundary Data to DBpedia

    Authors: Doris Silbernagl, Nikolaus Krismer and Günther Specht (Department of Computer Science, University of Innsbruck, Austria)

    Abstract: OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a well known and widely used data source for geographic data. This kind of data can also be found in Wikipedia in the form of geographic locations, such as cities or countries. Next to the geographic coordinates, also statistical data about the area of these elements can be present. Since it is possible to extract these data from OpenStreetMap as well, it is sensible to examine the quality of the OSM information about those specific boundary elements and compare them to an also crowd-sourced source like Wikipedia. Hence, in this paper OSM data of different countries are used to calculate the area of valid boundary (multi) polygons and are then compared to the respective DBpedia (a large scale knowledge base extract from Wikipedia) entries.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2016 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2016 proceedings on or after August 17, 2016.

  • Observing Custom Software Modifications: A Quantitative Approach of Tracking the Evolution of Patch Stacks

    Title: Observing Custom Software Modifications: A Quantitative Approach of Tracking the Evolution of Patch Stacks

    Authors: Ralf Ramsauer (Technical University of Applied Sciences Regensburg); Daniel Lohmann (Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg); Wolfgang Mauerer (Technical University of Applied Sciences Regensburg Siemens AG, Munich)

    Abstract: Modifications to open-source software (OSS) are often provided in the form of “patch stacks”– sets of changes (patches) that modify a given body of source code. Maintaining patch stacks over extended periods of time is problematic when the underlying base project changes frequently. This necessitates a continuous and engineering-intensive adaptation of the stack. Nonetheless, long-term maintenance is an important problem for changes that are not integrated into projects, for instance when they are controversial or only of value to a limited group of users. We present and implement a methodology to systematically examine the temporal evolution of patch stacks, track non-functional properties like integrability and maintainability, and estimate the eventual economic and engineering effort required to successfully develop and maintain patch stacks. Our results provide a basis for quantitative research on patch stacks, including statistical analyses and other methods that lead to actionable advice on the construction and long-term maintenance of custom extensions to OSS.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2016 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2016 proceedings on or after August 17, 2016.

  • Initial Results from the Study of the Open Source Sector in Belgium

    Title: Initial Results from the Study of the Open Source Sector in Belgium

    Authors: Robert Viseur (University of Mons)

    Abstract: The economy of FLOSS (Free and open source software) has been the subject of numerous studies and publications, particularly on the issue of business models. However, there are fewer studies on the local networks of FLOSS providers. This research focuses on the ecosystem of Belgian FLOSS providers and, more specifically, their geographical distribution, the activities, technologies and software they support, their business models, their economic performance and the relationships between companies. The research is based on a directory containing nearly 150 companies. This directory led to the creation of a specialized search engine that helped to improve annotation. The research also uses financial data provided by the Belgian Central Balance Sheet Office. The initial results of this study show a concentration in major economic areas. The businesses are more active in the services and are heavily involved activities such as infrastructure software and Web development, activities which were common in the early years of free software development. Services for the support of business software is also common. A first analysis of the graph of relationships between providers’ websites highlights the role that is played by the multinational IT companies, by FLOSS editors, by commercial FLOSS associations and especially by the Walloon centers of competence that offer vast training catalogs that are dedicated to FLOSS. This research opens up many perspectives for improving the automation of the company directory updates, the analysis of the relationship between enterprises, and the automation of the financial analysis of companies.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2014 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2014 proceedings on or after August 27, 2014.

  • XML Documents in MediaWiki

    Title: XML Documents in MediaWiki

    Authors: Johannes Nanninga (University of Duisburg-Essen), Benjamin Weyers (RWTH Aachen), Wolfram Luther (University of Duisburg-Essen)

    Abstract: Wikis allow for the collaborative creation and management of a wide variety of informal data. However, certain use cases require collaborative creation of formal, structured documents. XML and related technologies can be used to specify document formats but have so far not been comprehensively incorporated into Wikis. We present an extension for the MediaWiki software that enables it to create, store, validate and transform XML documents, schemas, and style sheets. The extension’s applicability is shown by the example of a use case on a wiki for the creation of XML-based user interaction patterns.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2014 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2014 proceedings on or after August 27, 2014.

  • The Social Shaping of Open Data through Administrative Processes

    Title: The Social Shaping of Open Data through Administrative Processes

    Authors: Sirko Hunnius (IfG.CC), Bernhard Krieger (IfG.CC)

    Abstract: Many models have been provided in the last years that aim at describing an optimal open data publication process. However, they fail to explain the different outcomes of open data initiatives. Based on qualitative research this paper conceptualises the open data phenomenon as a set of techno-political arenas in which different interests of a variety of actors potentially and actually collide. The micro-political arena model constitutes an instrument to delineate the social and institutional context of open data that can be employed to explain the successes, as well as the failures of individual open data projects.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2014 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2014 proceedings on or after August 27, 2014.

  • Consider the Redirect: A Missing Dimension of Wikipedia Research

    Title: Consider the Redirect: A Missing Dimension of Wikipedia Research

    Authors: Benjamin Mako Hill, Aaron Shaw

    Abstract: Redirects are special pages in wikis that silently transport visitors to other pages. Although redirects make up a majority of all article pages in English Wikipedia, they have attracted very little attention and are rarely taken into account by researchers. This note describes redirects and illustrates why they play an important role in shaping activity in Wikipedia. We also present a novel longitudinal dataset of redirects for English Wikipedia and the software used to produce it. Using this dataset, we revisit several important published findings about Wikipedia to show that accounting for redirects can have important effects on research.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2014 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2014 proceedings on or after August 27, 2014.