I have been recording and streaming WikiSym2009 – using two tools ustream.tv for live streaming and Kaltura.com for video record and remix.
You can watch our live stream at http://ustream.tv/channel/wikisym and paper and poster summaries will be available through Kaltura over the coming weeks.
If there is an item you are particularly interested in hearing about please contact me through http://twitter.com/mrjcleaver
Perhaps you presented a paper, or poster, or gained an insight at WikiSym, or maybe you weren’t able to attend this year but had something you wanted to say.
Share a video with us – and we’ll share it with the world.
Here is one option to meet for dinner and hang out with other WikiSym folks: We will meet at the entrance steps to Cirque du Soleil in Downtown Disney tonight, Sunday, at 7pm. Buses from the hotel leave about every 20min so at the bus stop, make some WikiSym noises! Once we meet at the meeting point, we’ll be waiting for about 10-15min while figuring out where to go. The final destination, e.g. a restaurant, will be tweeted using the #wikisym hashtag so watch that channel! (And stay near someone with a working U.S. cell phone to catch the information if you didn’t make it to the meeting place in time.)
Wikis provide a very effective environment for collaborative authoring of web-based documents, and are thus intensively used to support the edition, organization and storage of software documentation.
But wikis can do more.
They may be used to support other software engineering activities and even to inspire new ways of developing software.
This workshop focuses precisely on the usage of wikis to support software engineering activities, to improve team collaboration and communication in software projects, and on identifying the open issues requiring research and development to yield an even wider usage and better integration of wikis with other software engineering tools and infrastructures.
In last edition of the workshop, at ICSE’2009, Ward Cunningham challenged the participants (by video) to think/discover/idealize how wikis and tools should be like to enable software development to follow the wiki’s philosophy.
Following the insightful discussion then started, we plan to continue it at WikiSym 2009, in a very open and informal way, so that everybody interested in this topic may attend, contribute and benefit from it.