Program at a Glance
Program Details
Sunday, October 21st, 2007
Organizer: Ted Ernst
You can think of Open Space as a meeting that consists exclusively of good coffee breaks. With this format, issues that are MOST important to the participants are raised and addressed by those most qualified and capable of getting something done on each of them.
Organizers: Christoph Sauer, Chuck Smith, Tomas Benz
Over the past year we have been working together to create a "Creole" markup which would not be a replacement to current wiki markup, but rather a markup to be used alongside existing markup, to make it easier for people to work across multiple wikis with a unified syntax. Now we need to work together to spread this spec and popularize it among wiki users worldwide. We will discuss Creole's current status, implementations, testing, relation to other markups, promotional materials, user education, and how to involve more people in the effort.
Organizers: Ademar Aguiar, Paulo Merson, Uri Dekel
- Invited talk by Ward Cunningham
- Short presentations and demos
- Posters time (coffee-break)
- Open discussion
- Group discussions and conclusions
Wiki Film Festival (19:00 - 20:15), 510B
Organizer: Chuck Smith
Monday, October 22nd, 2007
Organizer: Ted Ernst
You can think of Open Space as a meeting that consists exclusively of good coffee breaks. With this format, issues that are MOST important to the participants are raised and addressed by those most qualified and capable of getting something done on each of them.
WikiSym Keynote (8:30 - 10:00), 510B
"Living Without Parental Control"
- Jonathan Grudin, Microsoft Research
Papers: Wiki Technology (10:30 - 12:00), 510A
Session Chair: Alain Désilets
Full papers
Short papers
Panel: Wiki Patterns: What Works and What Doesn't? (10:30 - 12:00), 510B
Moderator: Stewart Mader
- Anne Goldenberg
- Ted Ernst
- Eugene Kim
- Sunir Shah
- Angela Beesley
- Dirk Riehle
Short papers
Instructor: Peter Thoeny.
Learn exactly what a wiki is from the founder of TWiki, the leading wiki for corporate collaboration and knowledge management. In this overview session, Peter Thoeny will review how you can use a wiki to enhance your corporate communications within your organization and between organizations for a competitive advantage.
Wiki in Education (13:30 - 15:00), 510B
Session Chair: Mark Bernstein
Full Papers
Short Papers
Wiki Communites (15:30 - 17:00), 510B
Session Chair: Phoebe Ayers
Full Papers
Short Papers
WikiSym Posters and Demos (17:30 - 19:00), 710
Session Chairs: Angela Beesley and Andrea Forte
Held at same time as the ooPSLA welcome reception and posters session. Look for specially identified WikiSym section.
Tuesday, October 23rd
Organizer: Ted Ernst
You can think of Open Space as a meeting that consists exclusively of good coffee breaks. With this format, issues that are MOST important to the participants are raised and addressed by those most qualified and capable of getting something done on each of them.
ooPSLAKeynote (8:30 - 10:00), 517A
"Once Upon a Time: Like Never Before: The Challenge of Telling the Next Story"
- Peter Turchi, author of "Maps of the Imagination"
Collaborative Technologies (10:30 - 12:00), 510A
Session Chair: Ademar Aguiar
Full papers
Short papers
Panel: Political Wikis (10:30 - 12:00), 510B
Session Chair: Robert Biddle
Short Paper:
ooPSLA Invited Talk (13:30-15:00), 517A
"Second Life: The World's Biggest Programming Environment"
- Jim Purbrick and Mark Lentczner
WikiSym Invited Talk (15:30-17:00), 510B
"Agile Trust, Wiki Nature, and Business Logic Futures"
Open Space and Conference Wrapup (17:00-17:30), 510B