History: Myths on wikis


Legend: v=view, s=source
Date UserEdit Comment Version Action
Wed 08 of Sep., 2010 21:14 EDT mindspillage more editing 7
 v  s
Wed 08 of Sep., 2010 21:13 EDT mindspillage more editing 6  v  s  
Wed 08 of Sep., 2010 20:46 EDT mindspillage more formatting 5  v  s  
Sat 28 of Aug., 2010 14:07 EDT mindspillage more commentary 4  v  s  
Sat 28 of Aug., 2010 13:48 EDT mindspillage Comments on the structure and reasoning: flipchart notes still need cleaning up. 3  v  s  
Wed 07 of July, 2010 09:43 EDT ajslaghu   2  v  s  
Wed 07 of July, 2010 09:43 EDT ajslaghu   1  v  s