What are the tasks of a wiki gardener?

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  • The wiki-gardening is very interesting and valuable if done correctly.
  • There is a threat, that helping people can make them stay away from the wiki.
  • We collected goals, tasks and profiles for wiki gardeners.


The basic concept is described here: http://www.wikipatterns.com/display/wikipatterns/WikiGnome, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiGnome, http://www.jspwiki.org/wiki/WikiGnome


  • Broken window - syndrom: If people see, that the wiki is not presentable it loses credibility.
  • Helping with fulfilling tasks that take a very long time without a big thinking challenge ("grunt work").
  • Keeping up a consistent appearance of the wiki content to prevent from being distracted to the content.
  • Helping others to better contribute and focus on the content: increase the activity
  • The wiki gardener is really involved in the process and the company.


  • Preparing conditions in organization for adoption and succesful use of wiki (similar to real gardener: preparing soil :-) )
  • Send out emails to people who do not really get it.
  • Cosmetic editing to keep the wiki from being overrun with "weeds" (typos, misspellings, poorly structured sentences and paragraphs)
  • Add or fix links to make sure relevant content is navigable within the wiki
  • Improve the flow and clarity of content improve the readability of the page
  • Setting an example for other users of how and when to use the wiki
  • The gardener should not necessarily global.
  • The gardener can create lists of tasks for the wiki.
  • The gardener can identify stale content.


  • Part-time jobs
  • Secretary people / receptionist
  • The profile should be rather a more junior person.


  • The wiki gardener should not prevent others from wiki-usage.
  • Done wrong the gardener can annoy other wiki users easily.
  • The gardener should not put his nose in spaces, he is not responsible for or people do not want them for.

Ideas from the practitioners

  • At Chevron there is a dedicated Gardener. She will look at the wiki every day. It is a part-time person. She is responsible for the whole wiki.
  • They have a Wiki-Gardening party. They bring in food. They make it fun to be there. Then they get a link list. Everybody will have a link list and go through the pages.
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