7th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration

WikiSym 2011

Mountain View, California
October 3-5, 2011

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Final versions of papers and copyright forms must be submitted by August 12th for inclusion in the proceedings. Authors should have received information about copyright/permission forms from ACM. Please contact Andrea Forte (aforteATdrexelDOTedu) if this is not the case.


  • Full papers and experience reports will have just under 30 minutes of presentation time.
  • Short papers will have just under 15 minutes of presentation time.
    “Just under” accounts for the few minutes of transition and introduction.

Don't forget to leave time for questions when preparing your talk!

Presenters will have access to a projector, if you need to borrow a computer or any other equipment, please contact Felipe Ortega (jfelipeATlibresoft(dot)es).