Title: Medical Science in the Lab Versus Medical Science in Wikipedia: Open Collaboration and Transformation of Scientific Knowledge Production
Author: Reham Al Tamime (University of Southampton – Web Science Institute)
Abstract: Wikipedia has challenged the way laboratory based knowledge is built and contested by creating an open socio technical environment that allows non domain experts to contribute to scientific and medical knowledge. The open nature of Wikipedia has been successful, but there are concerns about the quality and trustworthiness of its articles. The goal of my research is to investigate the process of knowledge creation in Wikipedia and observe the transformation of contested to accepted knowledge over time. By using Actor Network Theory and Social Network Analysis, the contribution of my research is to unveil the network dynamic that is behind statements’ dynamic in Wikipedia. In addition, this research is an opportunity to study how open collaboration models have transformed the scientific knowledge production inside labs.
This contribution to OpenSym 2016 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2016 proceedings on or after August 17, 2016.
Looking forward to your paper Dr H Parker Australia