Category: Demos

  • Wikirate: A Claims-based System for Collaboratively Reviewing Corporate Behavior

    Title: Wikirate: A Claims-based System for Collaboratively Reviewing Corporate Behavior

    Authors: Vishal Kapadia (Wikirate e.V.), Ethan Mccutchen (Grass Commons), Lucia Lu (Wikirate e.V.), Philipp Kühl (Grass Commons)

    Abstract: is a community effort to review and rate companies’ ethical behavior. is built using Wagn, whose atomic data approach allows Wikirate contributors to integrate rich qualitative and quantitative data in innovative, accessible ways. In the qualitative realm, data can be browsed by Company or by Topic, and the site’s core Articles cover the intersection of the two (eg. BP+Climate Change). Because source data in the corporate transparency realm in notoriously biased, Wikirate enhances traditional wiki mechanisms for ensuring data quality patterns by […]

    This contribution to OpenSym 2014 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2014 proceedings on or after August 27, 2014.

  • Strata: Typed Semi-Structured Data in DokuWiki

    Title: Strata: Typed Semi-Structured Data in DokuWiki

    Authors: Brend Wanders (University of Twente), Steven Te Brinke (University of Twente)

    Abstract: A semantic wiki is a wiki that has a model of the knowledge contained in its pages. Currently, semantic wikis are not adopted by a large user base, because most implementations are research prototypes that implement their own wiki engine. To increase familiarity with semantic wikis and quick adoption of semantic technologies we present Strata, a plugin for the well known wiki DokuWiki. Strata allows the use of semi-structured data in any DokuWiki installation, normalizes values based on their types, and allows extensive data modeling and querying on complex data structures.

    This contribution to OpenSym 2014 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2014 proceedings on or after August 27, 2014.