Doctoral Symposium

The OpenSym doctoral symposium will take place on Friday, August 21, at UC Berkeley, in the Greater San Francisco Bay area, California.


We encourage participation from all doctoral students working on issues discussed at OpenSym, regardless of their academic discipline. Relevant disciplines include (but are not limited to) computer science, sociology, psychology, anthropology, law, information science, cognitive science, management, communications, and economics.

Applicants should be formally enrolled Ph.D. students with a clear focus or research program. This workshop will help to strengthen and sharpen the research focus and implementation, rather than generate specific ideas for research. Preference will be given to students who already have begun their dissertations and are within two years of graduation.

The Symposium committee will select 5-10 participants. Participants will present their work at the Symposium; each student presentation will be followed by feedback from a faculty mentor and extensive group discussion.


Applicants should submit the following items:

  • A two-page (double-spaced, font size 12) overview of your doctoral research that describes your research question, any work in progress, and expected contributions of the dissertation as well as expectations for this doctoral symposium. This overview should begin with an abstract of no more than 100 words.
  • A half page biographical sketch, and contact information of your current dissertation chair / supervisor.
  • An up-to-date curriculum vita.
  • Optionally, one publication or finished paper draft as an indicator of your progress in your research.

Please submit all relevant material in a single PDF document.

For other formatting and submission instructions, please see the main call for papers.


The submission deadline is May 3rd, 2015 (in at least one timezone).

Notification to authors will happen on or before May 15th, 2015.


DocSym Track Chairs

  • Andreea Gorbatai, University of California at Berkeley

Committee Members

  • Aaron Shaw, Northwestern University
  • Claudia Müller-Birn, Free University of Berlin
  • Gueorgi Kossinets, Google

Students will be formally assigned a faculty mentor and presentations / discussion sessions will be scheduled and announced ahead of time.