The deadline for submission to the Doctoral Consortium is 8 May 2020. The OpenSym 2020 Doctoral Consortium provides a unique opportunity for doctoral students to present and develop their research in an interdisciplinary and interactive workshop. The Consortium will be action-focused: contributions around the conceptualisation, analysis, and visualisation skills and techniques of the PhD research are particularly welcome. We invite students conducting research on topics within the scope of the conference to apply for this unique opportunity, and to share and develop their work with students and staff during the event. Submissions should not exceed 4 pages (ACM sigconf paper format) and should contain (1) the stage of Ph.D (proposal phase, year {1,2, .. N}, write-up) (2) a statement of research problem/objective, and why that is an important problem (3) a summary of closely related prior research, (4) the research method used or planned, with a timeline for completion, and (5) the expected contribution of the work.
When and where?
The doctoral consortium takes place on Monday, 24 August 2020 (that is, the day before OpenSym 2020 will begin).
- Submission deadline: 8 May 2020
- Decision notification: 12 June 2020
Doctoral consortium chairs
Andrea Capiluppi, Brunel University London, UK
Claudia Müller-Birn, FU Berlin, Germany