Doctoral Symposium


Doctoral Symposium, August 4

10:00-10:20 Nicolas Jullien Presentation of the day and Participant introduction roundtable
10:20-11:10 Laishan Tam Cyberactivism and Nationalistic Communicative Actions of Publics: Framing and Agenda-Building over Wikipedia in International Disputes
11:10-12:00 Anna Filippova The dual role of conflict in Free and Open Source Software development
12:00-13:30 All Lunch together
13:30-14:20 Kim Osman Wikipedia as a New Media Institution: Issues of Diversity, Regulation and Sustainability in an Open Encyclopedia
14:20-15:10 Christoph Hannebauer Wiki Development Environments
15:10-15:20 All Coffee break
15:20-16:10 Bluma S. Gelley The Dynamics of Gatekeeping in Online Collaborative Systems