Robert J. Glushko on Collaborative Authoring, Evolution, and Personalization for a “Transdisciplinary” Textbook at OpenSym 2015

Robert J. Glushko of University of California, Berkeley, will be presenting the following keynote at OpenSym 2015:

Title: Collaborative Authoring, Evolution, and Personalization for a “Transdisciplinary” Textbook

Abstract: This presentation is a case study about a book titled The Discipline of Organizing, which proposes a transdisciplinary synthesis of ideas from library and information science, computer science, informatics, cognitive science, business, and other disciplines that “intentionally arrange collections of resources to enable interactions with them.” This case study discusses the interrelationships between the transdisciplinary goal for the book, the process of collaborative authoring required to write it, the novel architecture of the book’s content, and the innovative reading experiences in print and ebook formats that are enabled. The idea that abstract concepts and methods of organizing define a new discipline that is contextualized by more specific concepts and methods inevitably led to a collaboratively-authored book whose design embodies this intellectual architecture. The book’s content is organized as a transdisciplinary core with supplemental content identified by discipline. This content model creates a “family of books” with thousands of siblings, any of which can be published in print or as an ebook by filtering on the disciplinary attributes. This “design-time” customization was enhanced to enable “reading-time” personalization for ebook formats. In addition, the rich semantic markup that enables customization and personalization is fodder for further experimentation about “smart textbooks” that can be continuously made smarter by dynamic discovery and inclusion of content.

Biography: Robert J. Glushko is an Adjunct Full Professor in the School of Information at the University of California, Berkeley. After receiving his PhD in Cognitive Psychology at UC San Diego in 1979, he spent about ten years working in corporate R&D, about ten years as a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, and now has worked over ten years as an academic. His interests and expertise include information systems and service design, content management, and ebook design and publishing. He founded or co-founded four companies, including Veo Systems in 1997, which pioneered the use of XML for electronic business before its acquisition by Commerce One in 1999. He is a co-author of Document Engineering: Analyzing and Designing Documents for Business Informatics and Web Services, published in 2005. More recently, he is the principal author and editor of The Discipline of Organizing, named an “information science book of the year” in 2014 by the Association of Information Science and Technology.

Richard P. Gabriel on Artificial Sentiment: Using Machines to Manage Public Sentiment on Social Media at OpenSym 2015

Richard P. Gabriel, renowned research scientist at IBM’s Watson Group, will be presenting the following keynote at OpenSym 2015:

Title: Artificial Sentiment: using machines to manage public sentiment on social media

Abstract: Social media is where public opinion is happening: where it’s born, where it grows / matures, and where it dies. In this talk I review techniques and approaches for machine processing of public sentiment on social media: how to analyze and understand it, how to react to it, and how to influence it. The age of artificial intelligence is upon us.


New OpenSym 2015 Research Paper Submission Deadline April 13th, 2015

We have extended the research paper submission deadline to April 13th, 2015 AoE (a Monday night) to give authors more time to finish their paper submissions. We would appreciate an abstract submission to EasyChair by the old deadline, March 29th, 2015. Abstract submission is not required but should help us plan the review process. Please submit through EasyChair or by clicking on the submit button top right of the OpenSym website.

Those who will attend OpenSym 2015 at San Francisco’s Golden Gate Club will not only experience a great research program and community events, but also get to listen to end engage with keynote speakers Peter Norvig of Google, Richard Gabriel of IBM, Robert Glushko of UC Berkeley, and Tony Wasserman of CMU (Silicon Valley).

Three Weeks Until OpenSym 2015 Paper Submission Deadline!

The submission deadline for research contributions is April 13th, 2015 AoE (March 29th, 2015). Please see the OpenSym 2015 call for submissions (papers) for more information. Please also note that due to the timing (various holidays) we do not expect to grant an extension to this deadline. Use the button on the right for direct access to submitting your papers through EasyChair (or use the link)! Doctoral symposium submissions and industry and practitioner submissions have a bit more time.

Heads-up on OpenSym 2015 Keynote Speaker Line-up

We are proud to announce the following confirmed academic and industry keynotes/invited talks. Academic keynotes will be

  • Robert J. Glushko of UC Berkeley
  • Anthony I. Wasserman of CMU (Silicon Valley)

Industry (research) keynotes will be

  • Richard P. Gabriel of IBM
  • Peter Norvig of Google

Stay tuned for talk titles and abstracts!

OpenSym 2015 General Call for Papers (Submissions)

OpenSym 2015, the 11th International Symposium on Open Collaboration

August 19-21, 2015 | San Francisco, California, U.S.A.

About the Conference

The 11th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (OpenSym 2015) is the premier conference on open collaboration research and practice, including free/libre/open source software, open data, IT-driven open innovation research, wikis and related open collaborative media, and Wikipedia and related Wikimedia projects.

OpenSym brings together the different strands of open collaboration research and practice, seeking to create synergies and inspire new collaborations between computer science and information systems researchers, social scientists, legal scholars, and everyone interested in understanding open collaboration and how it is changing the world.

OpenSym 2015 will be held in San Francisco, California, on August 19-21, 2015.

This is the general call for papers and includes the

OpenSym is held in-cooperation with ACM SIGWEB and ACM SIGSOFT. As in previous years, the conference proceedings will be archived in the ACM digital library.

Research Track Call for Submissions

The conference provides the following peer-reviewed research tracks.

  • Free/libre/open source software research, chaired by Carlos Jensen of Oregon State University and Gregorio Robles of Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. This track seeks papers on all aspects of FLOSS. For detailed topics and the research track committee please see
  • IT-driven open innovation research, chaired by Ann Majchrzak of University of Southern California and Arvind Malhotra of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This track is devoted to research on the process of expanding research and development activities beyond the boundaries of single company structures. For detailed topics and the research track committee please see
  • Open data research, chaired by Carl Lagoze of University of Michigan. This track contributes to the increasing awareness on Open Data in research. For detailed topics and the research track committee please see
  • Wikis and open collaboration research, chaired by Kevin Crowston of Syracuse University. This track is dedicated to the science and application of wikis and open collaboration technology outside of the context of Wikipedia. For detailed topics and the research track committee please see
  • Wikipedia and related projects research, chaired by Claudia MĂĽller-Birn of Freie Universität Berlin and Aaron Shaw of Northwestern University. This track addresses research specifically on Wikipedia and associated projects. For detailed topics and the research track committee please see

Research papers present integrative reviews or original reports of substantive new work: theoretical, empirical, and/or in the design, development and/or deployment of novel concepts, systems, and mechanisms. Research papers will be reviewed by a research track program committee to meet rigorous academic standards of publication. Papers will be reviewed for relevance, conceptual quality, innovation and clarity of presentation.

Authors can submit full papers (5-10 pages), short papers (2-4 pages), and research posters (1-2 pages). For more details on paper types please see

Submission deadline for all research contributions is April 13th, 2015 AoE (March 29th, 2015).

Authors submit through EasyChair at Submissions and final contributions must follow the ACM SIG Proceedings template found at

OpenSym seeks to accommodate the needs of the different research disciplines it draws on. Authors whose submissions have been accepted for presentation at the conference have a choice of having

  • their paper become part of the official proceedings, archived in the ACM Digital Library, or having
  • only a short abstract included in the proceedings (rather than the full submitted paper) in order to preserve future publication possibilities.

Doctoral Symposium Call for Submissions

OpenSym seeks to explore the synergies between all strands of open collaboration research. Thus, we will have a doctoral symposium, in which Ph.D. students from different disciplines can present their work and receive feedback from senior faculty and their peers.

Submission deadline for doctoral symposium position papers is May 3rd, 2015.

Authors submit through EasyChair at Submissions and final contributions must follow the ACM SIG Proceedings template found at

The Doctoral Symposium is chaired by Andreea Gorbatai of University of California at Berkeley. More information is available at

Industry and Community Track Call for Submissions

OpenSym is also seeking submissions for experience reports (full and short), tutorials, workshops, panels, non-research posters, and demos. Such work accepted for presentation or performance at the conference is considered part of the industry and community track. It will be put into the proceedings in an industry and community track section; authors can opt-out of the publication, as with research papers, but will still have to provide an abstract (less than one page) for the proceedings.

Submission deadline for industry and community track papers is April 19, 2015.

Authors submit through EasyChair at Submissions and final contributions must follow the ACM SIG Proceedings template found at

The industry and community track is chaired by Simon Dückert of Cogneon GmbH and Dirk Riehle of Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg. More information is available at

The OpenSym Conference Experience

OpenSym 2015 will be held in San Francisco, California, on August 19-21, 2015. Research, industry, and community presentations and performances will be accompanied by keynotes, invited speakers, and a social program in one of the most vibrant cities on this planet.

The open space track is a key ingredient of the event that distinguishes OpenSym from other conferences. It is an integral part of the program that makes it easy to talk to other researchers and practitioners and to stretch your imagination and conversations beyond the limits of your own sub-discipline, exposing you to the full breadth of open collaboration research. The open space track is entirely participant-organized, is open for everyone, and requires no submission or review.

The general chair of the conference is Dirk Riehle of Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-NĂĽrnberg. Feel free to contact us with any questions you might have at

The general organization committee can be found here:

OpenSym 2015 Preliminary Call for Papers

OpenSym 2015, the 11th International Symposium on Open Collaboration, will take place in San Francisco (the city itself) on

August 19-21, 2015

We are looking for research submissions on topics relevant to the established open collaboration tracks on

  • free/libre/open source software,
  • IT-driven open innovation,
  • open data,
  • open educational resources,
  • wikis and open collaboration, and
  • Wikipedia and related projects.

The research paper submission deadline is

April 13th, 2015 AoE (March 29th, 2015)

Already now can we promise a most exciting line-up of invited speakers. The California Bay Area is rich on thought leaders and where else would they want to present their ideas and engage with a leading audience than at OpenSym? So get your papers ready! The OpenSym 2015 organizing committee is looking forward seeing you in San Francisco!

Photo Impressions from OpenSym 2014

Photos courtesy of S.H. Chung, Albrecht Fritzsche, Brent Hecht, Sven Heimbuch, Thomas Steiner, and Dirk Riehle. (If we forgot some credits, please let us know!)

Call for Participation OpenSym 2014

OpenSym 2014 will start in a few days on August 27, 2014! Participants can expect a program full of research and community events, including open space, where participants get to form their own program and follow their interests. Four keynotes / invited talks will lead the program and set the stage for the breadth of research and practice of open collaboration:

Read more in the program overview pages and don’t forget to register for OpenSym 2014!

OpenSym 2014 will take place at Fraunhofer FOKUS in Berlin, Germany. We appreciate and would like to thank our sponsors, the Wikimedia Foundation, Google, Fraunhofer FOKUS, ACM SIGWEB and ACM SIGSOFT, and The John Ernest Foundation.

Initial Results from the Study of the Open Source Sector in Belgium

Title: Initial Results from the Study of the Open Source Sector in Belgium

Authors: Robert Viseur (University of Mons)

Abstract: The economy of FLOSS (Free and open source software) has been the subject of numerous studies and publications, particularly on the issue of business models. However, there are fewer studies on the local networks of FLOSS providers. This research focuses on the ecosystem of Belgian FLOSS providers and, more specifically, their geographical distribution, the activities, technologies and software they support, their business models, their economic performance and the relationships between companies. The research is based on a directory containing nearly 150 companies. This directory led to the creation of a specialized search engine that helped to improve annotation. The research also uses financial data provided by the Belgian Central Balance Sheet Office. The initial results of this study show a concentration in major economic areas. The businesses are more active in the services and are heavily involved activities such as infrastructure software and Web development, activities which were common in the early years of free software development. Services for the support of business software is also common. A first analysis of the graph of relationships between providers’ websites highlights the role that is played by the multinational IT companies, by FLOSS editors, by commercial FLOSS associations and especially by the Walloon centers of competence that offer vast training catalogs that are dedicated to FLOSS. This research opens up many perspectives for improving the automation of the company directory updates, the analysis of the relationship between enterprises, and the automation of the financial analysis of companies.

This contribution to OpenSym 2014 will be made available as part of the OpenSym 2014 proceedings on or after August 27, 2014.